Chapter 18-Goldstar Treatment

Start from the beginning

She grins. I lean in and inhale her scent deeply. "And you're favorite color is pink"

"How do you know that?"

"That first day, when you so gracefully tumbled down the treadmill, your panties were a bright pink." I kiss her neck.

"Most girls usually have a pair or two of pink underwear." She sighs when I apply more pressure.

"Your toes and nails are always a different variation of the color pink, just like your lipstick." I kiss her lips savoring them and she pulls away slowly.

Her eyes move quickly between mine with worry.

"Sage, won't this look unprofessional though...getting involved with a client? And what about Obie? And your ex-wife is back in the picture. This could get really messy...complicated."

"Obie is already fond of you and Oli and now the rest of your family. If you want to meet my ex just tell me and I'll make it happen. There's only two weeks left of the boot camp, if it makes you feel better, we can wait until then to let everyone know, but I'm telling you no one cares, Joanna."

Her eyes drop down to my tank top and she plays and pulls at the collar nervously. 

"I really like Obie, too. But I don't think it's a good idea to tell him we're more than friends...yet. And same with your guys are trying to build a new dynamic with the three of you and bringing me in when it's all fresh..." She shakes her head. "Maybe after some time we can see where you and I are before I meet her. And if you're sure no one cares...then I don't care about anyone here knowing." She runs her fingers along my stubble, then leans forward and kisses me.

When she pulls away this time, her eyes have that haze and dreamlike look to them. "I've got to go. I'll stop by after work if it's okay?"

"Can't wait."

She smiles, standing from my lap, picking up her purse and her gym bag. "I'll see you later."

I grin back at her. "Later."


"Did you know Mexico City sinks a little every year because it was built on a lake?"

"I did not know that." Returning from my bedroom after I finish setting things up in there, I stand across Obie from his sitting position on the island.

"What else have you learned?"

"The meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs struck the land that is now Mexico first and did you know there are over sixty nine native languages spoken in Mexico other than Spanish?"

"Wow, that's a lot."

"I know right?" Obie says as he writes down notes on his notepad. "They have the largest pyramid in the world, even bigger than the ones in Egypt!"

"That's all very interesting, but aside from it sinking each year, and the pyramid, that's not a ton that has to do with the actual geography of the country." I lean over the counter watching as he concentrates writing.

"I know, but I wanted to start with the interesting stuff first before boring everyone to death with how many deserts, rainforests, mountains there are, not to mention climate." He looks up at me bright eyed. "Do you think we can go there some time?"

"If you really want to, we can plan something for the summer. But we still have to figure out things with your Mom, too." I explain and the excitement in his eyes dims a little, however, the knock at the door distracts him.

"Did you order take out?" He asks hopping off the bar stool, rushing to the door, asking who it is.

"It's Joanna." She answers from the other side.

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