World of Code Geass part 9

Start from the beginning

Female Europian reporter 1 (on screen): Euphemia's loyalists and the UDA seized those military bases and facilities from the Holy Britannian Empire.

Female Europian reporter 2 (on screen): I'm standing in Tokyo Settlement, and as you can see, a large number of UDA vehicles parade down the street, displaying their might in a way that no other superpower nation can match.

Male Britannian on TV Show (on screen): This is difficult to put into words. They're from outer space, right? Are humans from various dimensions? Many people are aware of the multiverse theory, and we are completely taken aback by this historical revelation. I mean, I'm astounded as well.

Male Chinese reporter 1 (on screen): When the UDA took over the entire Gyeongju region, adding it to their territory, the Chinese Federation mobilized the military. They are stationed outside the border in response to the standoff. Nobody opens fires. But we never know what is going to happen next.

Male Chinese reporter 2 (on screen): The Japanese people have reverted to their national identity and culture with Princess Euphemia's declaration that she will govern the country. Japan's population has begun dispersing to new communities across the country.

Female Britannian reporter 2 (on screen): The JLF and the former Viceroy Cornelia Li Britannia were sent to the former Britannian prison complex, which is now occupied by the Principality of Japan and the UDA. Yet, the Pureblood-led Britannian military forces continued to use guerilla warfare to oppose Eupehmia's government because they viewed it as a disloyal rebel state. They went by the acronym LBRF, or Loyal Britannian Retaliation Force. The UDA takes this threat seriously and they'll hunt them to be dealt with swiftly.

Male Britannian reporter 2 (on screen): When these visitors from other worlds appear out of nowhere, we never know what the future holds for us as humans in this world. Will our planet change for the better or worse, stay the same, or will there be a conflict between humans and extraterrestrials? This is a reporter of Britannia's Homeland News Channel, signing off.


Ashford Academy

All of the students and teachers who were watching the news were stunned. They began to worry about what would happen now that Area 11 is no longer under Britannia's control and has become an independent state ruled by a rebel princess and her dimensional extraterrestrial allies. Until further notice, there has been no announcement of permission to return to the homeland. The students call their parents, hoping that everything is fine. Ruben and Wright were also present to see the news, and it is all part of the plan to make the world a better place.

Rivalz and Nina are watching the news in a different room, shocked by Euphemia's announcement of liberating Area 11 to become Japan again under her rule and the official alliance of the dimensional extraterrestrials, who are the same shadow group responsible for their recent activities. Nunnally was also present, but she is blind and cannot see the television, but she can hear it. That's why she invited Sayoko to accompany her.

Rivalz: This is... This is the most shocking event in history. I mean, we're talking about aliens!

Nina: I-I don't understand. Why did she turn against her own country? I can't understand anything.

Nunnally: Euphie...

She said quietly.

Someone from the outside is knocking on the main room door. Everyone turned to look at the door to see who was standing there. Ruben asks one of the students to open the door. A male student swallowed and approached the door. When the door opens, we see two male Britannians wearing black tailor suits and a small pin with the FHL symbol attached, as well as three Sangheilis standing behind them. One of the elites in the center is a field marshal, and the other two are ascetic warriors tasked with protecting the field marshal during this event. When three aliens appeared behind them, the majority of the people were both surprised and shocked. They enter the room as a field marshal speaks to them in human language.

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