World of Code Geass Part 2

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After the mission of saving many Alterhuman's Japanese from Britannians in the ghetto, he and other units go to a newly established base in Hokkaido. After they send coalition troops to Area 11, they go to a distant region away from both rural and urban places to avoid detection of their presence from Britannia or two superpower nations on Alter-Earth.

They reached the main base where it is combined of UGSE, UNSC, Terran Dominion, FRH, ASO, and GDI. It is the largest area for every military personnel to fit in. The Alterhuman Japanese are now considered refugees reaching this place and they get out the dropships to follow the guidance of Allied Coalition soldiers. They were sent to a refugee zone established by both UGSE and GDI where they can stay there for time being until everything goes back to normal.

David enters the UGSE command center to meet Cpt. Sullivan in the hologram projector. The military personnel are doing their work on the computers. He salutes him as Sullivan said.

Sullivan (on hologram): Commander, I see the mission is successful though we left few people out there, especially the resistances.

David: Well sir, Prince Clovis just announced the ceasefire and gave them medical treatment. It doesn't make sense, sir. He ordered the massacre of those people in the ghetto.

Sullivan (on hologram): I know that, commander. But there's something news we just received an hour ago. An AI from UNSC informed us that Prince Clovis is dead.

David is shocked to hear the news of Clovis' death.

David: He's dead? When?

Sullivan (on hologram): After the announcement of ceasefire. Someone within Britannian forces is able to infiltrate the mobile base, take out his guards, and kill him where he stands. However, the reports that everyone in the mobile base were seen outside. The spy told me the personnel have no memory of how they got outside. It's not possible why, but maybe something to do with that test subject the Code R have experimented on.

David: That is possible... But I'm not sure. Anyway sir, we have refugees here and they will be housed for time being until we liberate this country from Britannia.

Sullivan (on hologram): I know that. But right now, we have to expand the territory for the military to have more firepower and manpower. Our Allies will do the same. I already sent the report to the UDA council and they are not happy to hear it. The FreeBird Protocol has been initiated.

David: Sir?

Sullivan (on hologram): We are going to bring liberation and freedom to the people of this world from tyranny and oppression. They called this dimension, Ashir, and these people shall be called Ashirhuman. As for now, we give them the full story of our origin and there are few volunteers wanted to be recruited.

David: Glad to hear it, sir.

Sullivan (on hologram): So right now, your task is to train those recruits to get up in good shape and become professional soldiers. We need every firepower to liberate this country then bring down the empire once and for all. That is all.

The hologram turns off. David sighs.

David: Seems like we have a long way to get those people shaped up.


Kamine Island

The Allied Coalition found an island to establish the second base however they have readings of high signal readings coming from that island. So they sent the reconnaissance team to find the source. When they find it, they see what appears to be an ancient temple of unknown origin. They report it to the superiors and then they are now ordered to study the temple to find out the origin and how it works.

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