Chapter 3

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When he left his room, he noticed 4? or 5? 6? servants waiting for him in a straight line. Some had horns adorning their heads, while others have wings or long claw-like hands. But they were all equally tall.

Ethelmar doesn't know how tall they are exactly, but he predicted it to be at least 6 feet tall. Or maybe even more.

They are also beautiful. Very beautiful. Much like the models he sees often in magazines or on a large screen. Some had skin as white as snow, while others have skin as dark as the night. They were smooth and gleaming from the sunlight that had washed in through the windows. But nonetheless, they were all breathtaking.

Ethelmar sighed lightly and gave the servants a small smile on his lips. His eyes, both black and grey, looked straight into the eyes of the servants before glancing around.

"Uh, hello." He said, his voice light and childish.

The servants looked at him with slightly shocked faces before one, a male with large horns and black claws, got on his hands and knees.

"Your majesty! Are you unsatisfied with this servant?" The man said, his voice deep like the hollow caves. His eyes looked panicked and sad, like a puppy who's been caught chewing on paper.


"For us to have caused you such dissatisfaction! This is only punishable by death!!" The man said determinedly. As if on cue, the other servants all dropped to their knees and placed their hands on the ground.

"We deserve death!" They all screamed in sync.

The only thing he could do was watch on with a slightly amused face. He didn't know what to do. He has only been in this situation once. But despite the amusing situation that is presented in front of him, he was hungry and didn't have the time to deal with it.

So he just waved his hands dismissively and spoke," Stop overreacting. I am hungry."

....Yeah, he doesn't know how to act like a king. So he'll just act like a spoiled child. It's easier to act like a child than to act like a king. Plus, he could just learn as he grows. It's as easy as that.

"A-alright...your majesty!" The male servant said, his once sad eyes brightening significantly.

Just as Ethelmar turned to look at the other servants, a pair of large cold hands wrapped itself around his waist. And just like that, he was picked up from the ground like a rag doll and into the arms of a stranger.

Angered and a tad bit humiliated, he turned his head around to scold the person who picked him up, but the sight of that person made his saliva dry.

The person-no, man, looked particularly scary. His face, although incredibly handsome, was sullen and cold, like the ice frozen in a lake. His eyes were as red as blood, and his pupils looked to belong to a cat or a reptile. His hair was like the sun. Long and blond with no imperfections. It flowed over his shoulders like a stream of water flowing towards a large waterfall. And he was tall. When Ethelmar glanced at the ground, he thought that he was glancing down the grand canyon.

He seems like the type of guy who would pretend to be your friend but will plan to kill you in the most gruesome and torturous way known to man. He seems like the type of guy he (Sato Youta) would be into.

"U-um..." He stuttered and glanced to the side. His face was as red as a pair of fresh red apples. Usually, he doesn't act like that. In his old life, he has seen a myriad of attractive people. That's to be expected when you worked as a stripper for 5 years.

A lot of his fans were attractive in one way or another! But this man right here ascends that! So perfect it almost makes you think he's unreal!

"Your majesty. Be careful, you'll hurt yourselves walking. Let this one carry you." The man said, his voice cold and deep like dark chocolate. If he existed in his past life, he would have an insane amount of fans ready to lick the floors he walked on.

Well, he would too if he has to be honest. He likes attractive people. To him, it doesn't matter whether you are a male or a female. If you are attractive by his standard, then gender be damned.

"Your majesty? Are you sick?" the man said, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"No...Just hungry." He whined childishly and circled his arms around the man.

Wait. He's a child. He shouldn't act like this... toward a grown man...

"I apologize."

The man, Alves Elloway, said curtly and stretched out his long legs. He glanced down at the servants and glared at them slightly as a warning before he strode away with his small king in his arms.

The servants shivered slightly but didn't dare move from their positions. It was their first day serving his majesty and they already fucked up. The last group of servants that served his majesty disappeared and hasn't been seen or heard of since then.

They do not know what happened to them, but they do know who caused it. That man, Alves Elloway, the king's right-hand man, is the main culprit for their disappearance. Everyone and their mothers knew how devoted he was to the young king. The right-hand man's loyalty wasn't a joke.

Wow... Ethelmar thought silently and stared at the long hallways with an amazed expression. How beautiful. From the pure white walls to the thick golden columns, it was all exquisite. The floors were so clean and pristine that you could practically see your own reflections!

He, Sato Youta, has always loved cleanliness. Even though his life wasn't...too clean, he still enjoyed it nonetheless. It makes him feel like a normal person. He died at 21 and has been working as a stripper for 5 years. And during those five years, his life has been nothing but a mess.

So having a clean apartment or a clean room makes him feel like someone who has their life under control. Even though it was nothing but a mere illusion, it was still something he treasured. 


Ethelmar (MC) means powerful or noble greatness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2023 ⏰

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