Chapter 6 II Let Her Go

Start from the beginning

Jen throws her head back into her neck and uncontainable giggles escape her mouth. I just throw a pillow at her. She catches it and continues laughing. I swear I can still hear her and I'm now downstairs in the hallway.

I look at Rebecca with a smile.

Ross: You're sister seems really nice and funny.

Rebecca: She was. She was the best sister ever.

Ross: ... Wait. ... "was"?

Rebecca: Yeah. Anyway. I'm gonna tell you what happened in the mall. I just got out of Starbucks, when a guy ran into me. ...

Great. Now my shake is all over my new shirt.

Rebecca: What where you thi-?

I look up from my shirt and there stands probably the most handsome guy, I've ever seen in my entire life. He just shows a smile, while trying not to laugh, which I think it really cute.

?: Oh my god. I am so sorry. I wasn't looking. Come on. I'm gonna buy you a new smoothie and shirt.

Rebecca: Oh no you don't have to.

?: No I insist. Please.

I just look down blushing, while he smiles and shows his beautiful white teeth.

Rebecca: Okay.

?: By the way I'm Jake.

Rebecca: Rebecca.

Jake: Nice to meet you Rebecca. So, where would you like to go to? I have plenty of money to buy a new shirt for a beautiful girl.

I just blush more. Stop Rebecca. He's gonna see it. He just grabs my hand and guides me over to the next Forever21. When we're inside, I go through some cute tops, but then I suddenly see a girl running out of the store with her hand over her mouth and tears running down her face. She kinda looks like Jen, but I'm pretty sure that's just my mind playing games with me.

After 20 minutes Jake bought me three new shirt and a new skirt. He even wanted to drive me home. Isn't he cute? He parks in the street next to mine; he gives me his number and I give him mine. One last smile from him and me, then I get out of his car and walk towards my street. When I walk around the corner I can see the police and ambulance in front of our house. I start panicking. I run towards my house, but a police officer holds me back.

Officer: I'm sorry Miss, but you can't go in there now.

Rebecca. But I live here! What happened? Where's my sister and my parents?

Officer: You're parents are over there.

He points his finger towards my parents, who are holding each other while crying. I run over to them. When my father sees me approaching them his expression becomes angry and he starts yelling.


Rebecca: I don't know what you're talking about. What happened?

Mom hands me a piece of paper with her shaking hand and I take it. I unfold it and read it.

"Dear mom, dad and Rebecca,

When you're reading this, then that means I'm not with you anymore. That I left you and the world forever. All because my first boyfriend ever, the love of my life cheated on me. I saw him in the mall with a girl. And that girl was none other than MY OWN SISTER. ... "

My eyes wide at the words "my own sister". It wasn't a coincidence that this guy had the same name as Jen's boyfriend. He was her boyfriend. I flirted and went out with my sister's boyfriend. I'm the worst sister in the whole wide world. I stare back at the letter and continue reading.

" ... So I did what I said I would do. You remember what I said Rebecca? I said, that I would kill myself, if Jake ever cheats on me. And he did. With YOU! How could you do this to me? You knew how much I loved him! But like I can see you don't give a sh*t about it. So I did it. I killed myself. Are you happy now Rebecca? I'm finally out of the way so you and Jake can have a bright and wonderful future. You don't have to worry about me anymore. ... You were my role model Rebecca. I looked up to you. Now you have to look up to me because I joined the angels in heaven. And it's all YOUR FAULT!

In honor and memory

Jennifer Adams, proud daughter of Andrew and Anne Adams and disappointed sister of Rebecca Adams"

I stare at the letter what seems like 2 hours, then I get waken up from my trance, when I see how the paramedics carry a body in a big black bag on a stretcher towards the ambulance. That's her. That's my sister. Dead. Because of me. I look at my parents with a hurtful expression on my face, while they just show their disappointment and hate towards me.

Mom: Rebecca. What you did is unforgivable. We don't want you to live with us anymore. You're old enough to live on your own. Figure out how to pay for a place to stay, but we don't want you anymore. You're gonna get nothing from us. With that we disown you now. Have a good life, Rebecca.

Dad: I was always so proud of you because you always look out for your little sister and that you guys always spent so much time together, but I never thought that it would end like this. I can't believe you would be able to do something like that.

Rebecca: But it was an accid-.

Dad: Hold it. It's not worth it. You're not our daughter anymore. Goodbye.

And with that, they turn around and leave me standing there with my hot salty tears streaming down my cheeks. With nowhere else to go.

I look at Rebecca with an expression like she looked at me after my story. Her story is so much alike mine, but at the same time so different. Rebecca guides her hands up to her eyes and wipes them.

Rebecca: That night I threw Jake's phone number away and I never ever talked to a guy in this time again. You're the first one after one year.

Ross: So, was the guy at the door your father or-?

Rebecca: Yeah. That was my dad.

Ross: ... And ... are you over it yet? After one year?

Rebecca shrugs her shoulders and looks at me with red and puffy eyes.

Rebecca: Kinda. I mean, I know I had to let her go someday, but not this soon. But I will never forget her. She will always be in my heart.   

Ross: That's nice of you to say. And I just want to tell you. In the future you will never be alone again. I'll stay by your side forever. If you want it or not.

Rebecca releases a sad chuckle.

Rebecca: You already said that.

Ross: Two are better than one.

Rebecca: Thank you Ross. You're the best.

Rebecca leans towards me and gives me a hug. I pull her down onto the bed, so her head lays on my chest and I have my arm around her waist. After a few minutes her breathing becomes slower and I know that she's sleeping.

I know exactly how she feels, but Rebecca can be sure that I'm gonna be here and when my rib is healed again, I'm gonna protect her. I'm not gonna let her get even more hurt. I'm never letting her go. For that she's just too special. I can't let her go.


New chapter!!!

Next chapter there's gonna be a new POV and a new location, so be prepared.


Love you all

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