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I became close with Jungkook and Jimin fastly. They are just my vibe. I like them. I look at them, "Is here very strict?!" I asked as Jimin looks at me, "Not that much what others say!" He replied to me and passed me the biology book that the boy sitting in front of me gave me.

"M/N!" I read it and looks at them, "M/N! The topper in this class is a nerdy student which is not my type!! His sister is Aarushi who is sitting on the second bench middle one! Not a nerd but above average," Jungkook said while sighing.

"Because of them, my parents are saying, study like M/N!! Be like M/N!!" Jimin rolled his eyes as Jungkook chuckled. "No one ever confessed to him! No Alpha! But his sister got many confessions but she reject everyone" Jungkook laughed.

I chuckle and look at M/N who is sitting in front of me, "Is this school have a cafeteria?!" I asked and Jungkook nodded, he take out his purse and take out some money, "Let's go to the cafe today! treat by me!" Jungkook said.

After the class, at lunchtime, we three went to a cafe instead of eating our lunch. "Let's drink coke and eat snacks!" Jimin said and take money from Jungkook.

I turned and looks around. I saw that boy M/N and a girl coming to the cafeteria with their lunch box; I guess. He looks too pretty and feminine to be an omega. OMG, what am I thinking now!!?

I looked away and turned around to see Jungkook and Jimin coming to our seat with our food, I take the drink and opened it, "Let's cheers!" I said as they both chuckles and nodded. 


I sit on my seat with Aarushi, I opened the lunch box and take a bite of my rice and curry, "Mhmm! So tasty!" I moaned and eats again. Aarushi looks at me and chuckles.

"You look cute!" I chuckle and nodded. "We need to buy a chart and colour pencil on our way back to the house!" I reminded her, "I know! I remember!" She groans and eats her food.

We talked a lot while eating food, We talked about our family and their attitude, my family is an orthodox family and omegas can't do anything just listen to alphas. I sighed and gets up, "I am done!"

I closed my lunch box and turned around, I dumped on onto someone and we both fell on the floor, my lunch box flew and fell on the ground with a big sound. I look at the person, our eyes locked for some seconds before I look away.

I gets up suddenly, My pants knees tored, and I was bleeding. "Ah!" I hissed in pain as Aarushi comes near me and help me to sit on the chair, "It's hurting!" I look at her.

"Where do you think you are walking? M/N!?" I looks up and saw Taehyung the student glaring at me, I gulped and looks down, "I am sorry!" I said as Aarushi looks at him. "Hey! It's your fault, Mr Kim Taehyung!! Not his!" Aarushi said.

"You!! Who you think that can shout at me!!" He said, "WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!" we turned around and saw our vice principal I tried to get up but because of the pain I couldn't.

"What happened M/N?!" He comes near me and asked, "Nothing sir! Just we both fell on the ground by accident!" I said, "Go to the sick room! The nurse will put a bandage on your wound!" He said as I nodded.

"Taehyung! Your hand also bleeding! It has scratch!" I looks up at Taehyung when Jimin said that. "It's okay! I can handle the pain! I am an Alpha, I am not scared of this little scratch!" I could sense the arrogance in his tone.

I get up with the help of Aarushi and one of Aarushi's friends take the lunch box and handed it over to me. I looks back at Taehyung and glared at him...

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