💙-We will be friends forever-🔪

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Caregiver: Jeff the killer
Little: eyeless jack

WARNING : cursing, yelling, hurt/comfort,blood,
diapers , if any of these things make you uncomfortable I would skip this story.

Jack is really starting to become sick and tired of Jeffs bullshit.

Jeff has been a completely different man ever since there last fight; hell, maybe even long before that, and the changes he's put himself through are not something to be proud of. It seems as if he goes about his everyday life without a care in the world, prioritizing no one but himself and not giving a damn if he hurts anyone's feelings.

Today, Jack decides, it is the last straw, when he comes to his bed room to his surprise he finds Jeff waiting for him near the door, idly examining the posters on the wall and the art supplies sprawl across jacks desk. Growling under his breath and gritting his teeth, the jack huffs through his nostrils . He stomps forward until he stands mere inches away from Jeff, who notices him and makes eye contact, offering one of his obviously fake grins as he stands upright and shoves his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, the one that reeks of cigarette smoke and the smell of iron . Jack isn't here to play games, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares in Jeff's direction, trying his best to look at least a little intimidating, though his scrawny body makes it hard to do so.

"What do you want?" Jack snaps.

"Am I not allowed to just stop by and say hello?" Jeff asks.

"No! For fucks sake, man, I don't want you to be around my room!" Jack quick to firmly say.

"And who am I to follow someone else's rules? It's MY house , Jack really , what are they gonna do, fight me ?" Jeff shrugs.

"It hasn't ever been your house this is everybody's space Fuck you! I will not hesitate to snap your neck if you don't get out of my way and get out of my room!" Jack starts to feel anxiety creeping across his skin.

"Oh ho! Did you not hear what you just said?" Jeff laughs as he takes a step towards Jack, the jack taking a step back in response. "You said that this is everyone's space which means " your room" is also a communal space I think I'm going to stay here as much as I like~"

Jacks heart sinks. He really needed alone time right now he has had an emotionally hard day and he can feel regression taunting him in the back of his brain he need to get in his room as soon as possible and he doesn't want some self centered asshole to ruin it.

"Oh man, you should see the look on your face right now!" Jeff laughs at Jacks reaction while the man clenches his fists to avoid bursting into tears on the spot.

"Get out." Jack demands with a snarl, moving to the door of his room, only for Jeff to place his arm in front of the door like some kind of barricade.

"Or what?" Jeff threatens.

"Or I'll make sure you end up in hell where you belong!" Jack snaps, turning to Jeff with a raging fire in his eyes.

Jeff stares at him in shock for a long moment before suddenly grabbing Jack by the shoulders, so hard that it genuinely hurts. "Jack ; don't go." He commands, the boy being spoken to whimpering quietly and avoiding his gaze.

"I said what I said." Jack uses his remaining courage to mutter. "You're just like all the others." Suddenly, he shoves Jeff away, watching as the man fall to the ground in front of him.  And he says "I-I hate you! I hate the person you've become!"

Jeff growls as he picks himself up off the ground, quickly dusting himself off before glaring at Jack with a newfound rage. "Everyone fucking hates me, Jack! I thought you of all people would know what it feels like to be abandoned ! Clearly you still think anyone cares about you, but guess what ? No one cares about you! You're fucking alone in this world! And the reason why is because you're not worth anyone's time or attention, including MINE!"

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