Chapter 33- Jail or grave

Start from the beginning

She startles for a moment but it's clear that she has already heard me before as she doesn't turn around.

"A simple thrill never hurts anyone but getting murdered out here on a field that obviously hasn't been looked after for awhile in the middle of the night... is not exactly my dream."

"You are still here. Aren't you challenging... provoking them?"

"You are one of those?"

She looks at me her eyes slightly narrowed as she looks over her shoulder.

"Certainly not, you know me better than that. "

"You don't even know what kind of people I meant." She huffs out but there is amusement emanating from her voice.

"Without a doubt, I do." A ting of pride overcomes me as I read her thoughts.

"Why did you dress like that? You provoked him. You deserved it. It's your fault. You mean them" My first words are as calm as possible in order not to make her feel uncomfortable, and my last words express my disgust for those people.

"Yeah, those. I don't know if the people who justify these actions are better than the ones who actually commit these crimes."

"They are just as terrible. Not wanting justice for wrongdoings is a way of approving them."

„It must be true, but people don't realize how many are actually affected or have experienced sexual harassment or assault. They cannot all ask for it right?"

"You are right and not one of them did." I reply my voice coming out rough as I look down at my bottle. The reflection of the bottle evokes memories of someone who never asked.

He never asked for any of it. And even if he would have begged before, as soon as he said no there should've  been a stop.

"Jail or grave?" I remember my father's words.


"Someone I know always says this. It's a decision that will make people go away..."

I let out a long breath and my head falls back into my neck, looking up at the stars.
I shouldn't talk to her about this.

"Answer my question and give me a list of all those assaulters. I will take care of it. No one will ever know but them when they realise that their actions actually affect their pathetic lives."

"Before this night I would think you joked but-"

"But now?"

"I am not scared of you."

"Good, because you shouldn't."

You should.

"I am not big on jokes about crimes that ruin lives, Ally."

We are both silent after my statement and even though my gaze is not on her I know she is looking up at the sky with me.

"You prefer the second option."


Again silence overcomes us and even though so many profound words have been spoken there is no outcome. There is no stop when we talk, there is no part of me wanting to make a halt the conversation between us.

"I taught Emmabell as much as she would let me about murders and their way of thinking so she is gonna catch you. According to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, intimate partners (spouses, ex-spouses, boyfriends, and girlfriends) committed approximately 40% of all homicides of women in the United States between 2001 and 2017.

Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence in 2017 found that 43% of women who were victims of homicide were killed by an intimate partner. I don't want to admit it. However, you are probably at the moment the closest person to that description." She looks over her shoulder for a short moment giving me a teasing smile.

"It's an honor that you think that way. And terrifying that you can memorize this statistic by heart because if you suspect us to be as close as you say, after your words I should be terrified."
My gaze focuses back on her face as hers is still directed on the sky. My guess was right and her smile absolutely bright.

"Don't be, sweetheart, I have met pretty nasty people but I have also already met the sweetest souls you could ever come across and it gives me comfort when I know who could hurt them. And yes I know it sounds psycho but I can look at the one or other person a little bit closer. Maybe I can protect the people I love then."

I frown at her words.

"That's a smart way to think about it. I like that."

"Kaden?" She turns around to me and my fingers slide to the deep cut in my underarm. I dig my fingers into it the same time I see her wrecked appearance.

It is not a challenge to see that she tried to clean up but the smeared makeup, the disheveld hair with grits in it, tells it all.

Although you can clearly see her beauty underneath this pained facade, I won't ignore her pain for my pleasure.

Maybe I could be her friend.

I wish you a late late late late International women's day! I love you all and I know there is nothing you cannot do. Gladly tell me for favourite fictional women (shows, movies books,.." to give us recommendations.

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