Part 2

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Another day, more work, same routine. My best friend who also happens to be my cousin has been living with us for the past two years or so. She's going to be leaving soon. She's moving to Wyoming to babysit her sister's kids. I know she's very excited about it but I'm going to miss her a-lot, at least I hope I will. I never really miss people very much, even at a young age when I would spend the summer at my father's house I never truly missed my mother, or my sisters. I'm not sure why this is the case for me, but it is and quite frankly it makes me feel inhuman.

I'm currently laying on my bed, watching tiktok when I hear a knock on my door.

"What doing?" My cousin Two asks through the door in an odd high pitched voice that we both use a lot when speaking to eachother.

Yes her name is Two, like the number. She was always made fun of for it when we were children, but I love her name. It's unique and not a horror to pronounce.

"Nothing" I reply in the same voice, smiling.

"Can I come in?" She asks.

"Haha yeah"

She opens the door and makes her way through my messy room and over to my bed.

"Wanna hang out?" She jumps on the bed next to me.

"Always" I reply looking at her. "Whats up?"

"Nothing, I'm just bored."

"You're always bored." I say glaring playfully at her.

"And you're always hiding in your room." She raises her eyebrows at me.


We had a sleepover that night. I use that term loosely because we lived together but she slept in my room. We liked to call it a sleepover whenever we did that. I remember a dream I had that night. It felt so real, to the point where reality then felt wrong. In my dream the world felt different, it was only slightly different and I was living for it. Wanting to live. Wanting to laugh. Wanting to adventure. Ever since that night something had felt off, it's hard to describe but the best way I can explain it is that it felt like life was the dream, and I was only catching glimpses of the real world beyond my eyes. Imagine being so close to sleep but not quite there, the point when you can hear people talking or you happen to open your eyes for a split second and the darkness of your eyelids is gone. It felt like I was asleep and that different world was trying to open my eyes, to reach my eardrums, to wake me up. It was very unsettling, and created a deep feeling of longing within me.

I miss our sleepovers.

I miss Two...

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