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It had been a couple weeks since Bella and Dades fight, both of them still not talking to each other.

Edward had tried to reason with Dade and told her she should apologize, but Dade refused saying Bella should first.

Of course Bella had told Edward everything or her side of the story anyway.

Edward seemed to not take offense to Dade saying they should spend less time together but he didn't exactly agree with her either.

Today Dade was at the cullens house helping Edward get ready, or just sit there and tell him he looked like a butler in other words.

"Edward just keep your hair the same." Dade said.

"Really? But slicked back would look better. More clean." He said examining his hair in the mirror.

"Yeah but you look better with it natural. Hotter." Dade said.

Edward shudders. "Ew."

"What? It's a compliment." Dade said.

Edward grimces. "From you Dade. Your very...confident when you compliment."

Dade smiles. "Well thank you."

Edward shakes his head. "Its not a compliment. In other words Dade, you  borderline harass people when you compliment." He said giving a cocky smile.

Esme walks in the room and gives Dade a hug immediately, which Dade returns.

The cullens practically accept her as part of the family now.

"Edward stop it." Esme said.

Edward sighs in a 'what did I do?' Way.

"Yeah Edward. Listen to your mother." Dade says.

Edward points the middle finger at Dade when Esme turns around.

Dade gasps and points it back making him laugh.

Alice hops in the room, full of energy Jasper Trailing behind her.

"Oh Edward you look fantastic! She'll love it!" Alice says fixing his bow tie.

"Do you think so?" Edward says.

Alice nods a big smile across her face.

"obviously she thinks so. She's probably seen it." Rosalie says.

Edward rolls his eyes but Dade just smiles.

"She's not wrong actually." Alice says.

"When am I ever wrong?" Rosalie jokes.

Dade laughs making Rosalie smile.

"She's got a point. She did predict we were going to be together." Dade says to Alice.

"Exactly. Thank you Dade. Your the only person who's appreciated me around here."

"Hey what about me?" Emmett chimes in.

Rosalie gives him a look.

"You know what I mean."

Carlisle walks in the room and smiles when he sees Edward.

"Look at you." He said.

Edward smiles at his father's approval.

"No hello to me? Rude. Guess I'll just leave." Dade said sarcastically.

Everyone smiles at her attitude.

The vampires had grown quite use to her quick responses and attitude, all of them accepted it with open hearts.

Dead Girl~☆Alice Cullen☆~Where stories live. Discover now