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Noah was waiting inside the closet smirking at me as I walked in. "I see you actually came" he said. "How may I assist you pretty boy?" I said faking all confidence in myself. His eyes staring at me as he started stepping closer to me pinning me up against the wall. "So I heard you were talking about me with Veronica earlier, what was that about princess?" He said as he formed a slight grin on his face watching me squirm at his question. "Uhm-Uh-I mean-s-she" I stated trying to form a sentence. "Hm?" He said laughing while watching me as I couldn't form a simple sentence.

"I like this position a lot, I could get use to this" he said. I looked down not wanting to form eye contact with him. He brushed his fingers across my lips and then lifted my chin up so I was looking directly at him. I rolled my eyes back annoyed at his snarky comments. "Now this I could REALLY get use too" he said moving his face closer to mine. Within a second he was almost touching my lips, but just then the bell for eighth period rung loudly. He stepped away from me slowly and left while giving me a light smirk and a slight wink. Oh my fucking god, oh my fucking god, what the hell just happened..?

I leaned against the wall flustered with what had just happened, and imaging what could've possibly happened if the bell would've rung a couple minutes later. I got all my shit together, I pushed my hair back slightly, and left to go to my last class of the day, science. I fucking hated science with a burning passion, everything about it made me want to throw up. The dissecting animals, the nasty ass kids in my class, the weird stentch of the classroom, and most of all my perverted science teacher, Mr. Alexander. Last week Mr. Alexander made me stay late after class, that day I so happened to be wearing a short lengthed black and white skirt. He  tried to make me bend over on my desk and attempted to slap my ass with a ruler, but of course this school district is a fucking piece of shit and doesn't believe any allegations against him, because he's the "perfect" staff member. Perfect my fucking ass, more like a disgusting pedophile.

Once I got to science class and I glanced at the clock, 2:00. I was late, but at this point in time I really couldn't give a shit. I was too focused on Noah, he was sitting next to me and Veronica gave me a subtle wink, I'm assuming this happened to be her doing. I walked over to my seat while Mr. Alexander glanced down at my ass while I strolled annoyingly half way across to the other side of the classroom. All I could do was glance at Noah from time to time hoping he wouldn't notice me, but eventually he did and he formed a little smirk on the side of his face. Science went on for what seems like hours and then the bell rang to go home, I was finally free from this hell home. Just as I was about to walk out the door Mr. Alexander came up to me, great way to end my day. "Miss Alex, I need to speak with you for a brief moment" he said while he was glaring down towards me. I said "ok" and walked over to the side of his desk hoping this would be a quick conversation.

He slowly started walking over to me pinning me up against the classroom wall, shit I was trapped. His fingers slowly started tracing my body as he went to lift my shirt up. "No" I said loud enough for him to be able hear me. He chuckled slightly while continuing attempting to lift my shirt up. I was so fed up with how people around me treated me and acted like I was an object they could fuck at any given moment. Before I even knew what I was doing I brought my hand up to his face and slapped him loudly, fuck that felt amazing to do. I shoved him off me then ran out of the classroom to my locker hoping Noah was still here, but I highly doubted it. I got my things out of my locker and as soon as I was heading to leave I got pulled into a dark empty classroom.

"Hello..?" I called out trying not to let my distress show in my voice. Noah turned on the light and I was so glad to see him, for a second I thought my science teacher was attempting to finish what he had "started." As soon as I saw him I ran to give him a huge hug, I know we only met today but I was so thankful it was him and not some other weird ass pervert. He slowly gave into my hug giving me a shocked and confused look all at once. "It's okay princess, I'm here don't worry" he said after noticing my heavy breaths. I calmed down made up an excuse to why I was rushing to get out of the building and why I was hyperventilating so much, I don't really think he believed me, but it will do for now. It's not like he could interrogate me, but if he were to try anything like he did earlier, I would've told him right then and there.

He walked me outside of the school building after I had calmed down and could properly function. He walked me home, I didn't live that far away so it only took a couple of minutes. It turned out he lived right across the street from me, so I would be able to hangout with him over the summer if he wanted to continue being friends with me after the schoolyear ended, but I was thinking way too far ahead as I just met him. I would gratefully have him inside of my room within a heartbeat, no doubt about that. As soon as I got home I took a quick shower brushes my teeth, and changed into night clothes, I was way too tired to focus on anything else like dinner or checking snapchat. Falling asleep was way easier than last night, after the eventful day I had today between Mr. Alexander and Noah pinning me against the wall and almost kissing me. I just met Noah today, but I honestly believe we could be pretty good friends, and maybe in the future more I hoped. After that last thought about Noah I slowly drifted to sleep wondering what the rest of the week would hold for us.

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