"Okay, tell me where's the address is, and I'll talk to you with your cousin. Deal?" He said.

I stopped for the moment, and I was thinking if I should tell him or not. 'Cause for Claire, I think she wouldn't like the idea 'him' coming over to this house.

I mean, I would really love it when the both of them talk right now; so that no one is bothering me, but I don't want Claire to get angry at me. But I have a great plan to cover things up.

"Okay, but I have a conditions before you go here." I smirked to myself.

"Argh... okay. Just tell me where the hell is Claire's house is." he said. He sounded like there was no choice; well that's how a Rodriguez is, you have to deal with us, or go home.

I chuckled before I'd answer him, "Okay, here's my condition. If Claire asked you how'd you got here?, tell her you have connections or make a lie. Two, stop bugging me with your stupid questions! And that's my conditions, deal?"

I didn't even get a chance to wait for his answer, he just said "Yes! Now just text me where she lives okay?" after that, he hung up.

Of course, I texted him the address. I mean, I want to finish this thing that makes me super angry because Lewis wouldn't stop bothering me. Even if I ask Claire what really happened, she wouldn't tell me that.


I was waiting for Lewis to come here, 'cause I know that, if he comes now, this crazy cousin of mine would stop being crazy. I mean, every time that I look at my cousin, I would notice that she was staring at Lewis. I mean, who doesn't notice that? Even Ina; Claire's best friend, noticed that...

I heard the doorbell, indicating that Lewis was damn here. I said to the maid that, I will open it, its just my friend coming over to help. And she did accept what I said.

When I opened the door,I was damn shocked to see a sweaty Lewis Sanford in front of me.

"What the hell happened to you?! Why are you sweating like a pig?" I asked him as if I was over reacting on what happened to him.

It looks like he was having a hard time to catch his breath before he answered me, "I was.. I ran going here. Don't... don't you dare laugh at me. Now tell me where the hell is Claire's room." he said while catching his breath.

I wanted to laugh so badly, but I can't. He told me not to laugh at him, so I just pointed where Claire's room is, and he just went inside of Claire's room without knocking. I could here that Claire screamed, but the hell I care. They need to talk.


It took them 5 hours just to finish talking. I could only hear both of them screaming at each other, and I almost, almost went inside Claire's room since curiosity kills cat; but good thing though, I didn't get inside.

When their done talking, Claire's dad; Uncle Stan was already there. At the front door—who is now wondering what the hell is going on.

"Oh Kurt, you here." he said, then he saw Lewis at the stair case; who stopped walking because he saw Uncle Stan.

"Oh! Lewis Sanford, right? So I guess you've already met my daughter Claire?" he was happy when he said those lines.

I looked at Lewis, and he just nodded his head. I looked at the person behind him, and it was Claire who had a questioning look right now.

"Oh I forgot, Claire, Lewis will be your future husband. Meaning, his your fiance'." I was in the state of shock when Uncle Stan said those lines.

"What?!" me and Claire said at the same time.



short, terrible update. forgive me guys. :—-(

comment your violent or non-violent reactions about this chapter, arraso?

comment~ <3 :D

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