Bendy knew he was a bad son. He always had.
He was so different from his father, the Devil. He had no interest in torture, soul-collecting, or causing chaos beyond a few pranks. Really, the only thing he had in common with his father was their shared love of dancing.
Bendy loved to dance. He found it difficult to sit still, in fact - at least one of his feet was always tapping, at least one hand always drumming its fingers. The Devil had always found it annoying, in fact - even he didn't like dancing that much.
More of a problem, however, was that Bendy also loved living things. The young demon had always possessed a passion for organic things - the first time he had ever felt a living person's touch was long, long ago, before he could even remember most things.
That first living creature had been the Devil - Bendy's older sister, Allison, had told him the story many times, but he knew he remembered the most important part. It might've been his only memory from his old home - the softness of the Devil's fur, the strangeness of the constantly moving muscles under his skin, and above all the unmistakable warmth of life.
On his first trip to the surface, at the age of nine, Bendy had been mesmerized - by the light, by the blue sky, and by all the diverse creatures.
The young demon had been so hypnotized by the surface, he had managed to dig up a few small Daffodil flowers and sneak them back to hell in a little bowl he'd found. Bendy still had those flowers five years later - the group had grown, and by now there was almost a full patch in there.
Bendy was glad his father had taken him and his siblings to hell, regardless of the problems they had - according to Allison, nothing was worse than their birthplace. She was older than him, and remembered better. She said that it was a dismal place - nothing but hostile creatures, the odd lost human, and deep, dark pools of the very ink they had been created from.
Allison had never explained the story of their creation in detail. She had told him that he was too young. All she had told him was that their existence was fought for by a very affluent, very greedy man named Joey. He had created them all with ink and paper years before their births, as cartoons. They became beloved among young children, making Joey and his business partner, Henry, very affluent. One day, Joey decided that it would be a sound idea indeed to bring to life his beloved characters, and allow children to pay to interact with them.
His first attempt at creating life failed.
The result was a deranged creature consisting of pure instincts with no mind or emotions - a twisted, evil Bendy.
This failed Bendy seemed like a bad omen of things to come - and so Joey had struck a bargain with the Devil.
The bargain was that the Devil would supply Joey with souls to infuse his characters with - but Joey would owe him his own soul, to be collected as soon as he had reached his goal of a perfect, living character. All other souls would also be owed to the Devil but the one infused in the perfect character.
That day came years later. Allison had been born, imperfect and cast aside - so had Alice and Tom, Bendy's other two siblings. And one day, the miracle was finally achieved.
A perfect Boris.
And the Devil swooped in to take all that he was owed - but Joey didn't want to give up his soul so easily.
He had been the first person in centuries to ever escape the Devil.
But the Devil didn't give up. He kept coming after Joey for years and years until he finally got the best of him.
And then, the Devil had set about taking back the other souls he'd lent Joey.
Bendy had been the last one to be taken back. He didn't remember much, but there were fragments - a comforting voice telling him to just stay quiet and he'd be okay, hiding under a table of some sort, a tall woman in a long skirt brandishing a weapon, her scream as the Devil had incinerated her, and the strange feeling of warmth from the Devil's skin as he picked Bendy up.
He didn't remember who the tall woman was, but he rather tried not to dwell on it. He supposed she'd taken care of him at some point - he knew he had no mother, but perhaps she had been a substitute.
Bendy contemplated his past as he watered his flowers. Who knew why any of these things happened? It wasn't as if anyone was going to answer him in detail. He didn't even know how his own body worked. For one thing, his head wasn't attached to his body, it just sort of floated. For another, when he was younger, losing his temper had caused him to become bigger, scarier and more durable, for whatever reason. Bendy had mostly learned to control it by now, but he still had outbursts every now and then. Luckily, he hadn't killed anybody yet - at least, not that he remembered.
There was a knock on his bedroom door. "Oh, Bendy!" sang the Devil cheerfully from outside. "Put on your suit, we have another fight to watch! It's a special one this time..."
Bendy panicked and dropped the watering can, quickly shutting his closet door to hide the plants and their grow lights. "A-all right, Dad!" he stuttered. "Be right out..."
"Thank you, my son," the Devil said grandly. Bendy could tell that his father was doing many dramatic hand gestures on the other side of the door. "Be ready In fifteen - we have two very special fighters this time..." He walked away from the door, footsteps thumping.
Bendy waited until the Devil's footsteps faded away, then sighed with relief and started to dress. Which poor prisoners could his father possibly be pitting against each other next?
Bendy rather disliked his father's pastime of forcing his prisoners to fight each other, but he had no choice but to go along with it.
After all, the Devil might've been Bendy's father, but no demon should ever stand up to the Devil himself.

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