The san Andreas fault

Start from the beginning

"No but I lost her"Emma says.

"Can we not talk about this?"he asked of her not wanting to talk about the past as the scenery of the valley passes by as he continues to drive.

"You owe it to me. This! Is the most I've gotten out of you since she died. I need to to know ray. Was it me? What did I do? I never blamed you" she says to way with emotion filles in her voice.

"I don't want to talk about it. It doesn't matter,she's gone. Now you're gone...what's the point",ray expresses with a sigh as Emma looks at him for a moment as she chuckles sadly "I guess the point is...this is why I didn't stick around."she says to ray who sighs while she hangs her arm half way out the window again as she looks out the window.

She then turns forward as a women's voice is heard shouting as she looks confused "hey! Hey! Look out! You have to stop!" The women warns shouting as a man was beside her by a broken down car"hey! Slow down! Hey!"they try warning them as Ray and Emma look confused on what was going on as they drive past before as rumbling is heard as the road soon becomes rocky before Emma turns straight forward seeing why as her eyes go wide"ray!"she yells pointing forward as Ray presses on the breaks hard"aah!"he yells in shock before the truck comes to a sharp halt of a broken cracked road as they jult forward looking shock before they share a look.

They both climb out the car as a gas station beside them is shown destroyed as part of it was messing as a car hangs halfway off the edge as a mager trench is shown of the San Andreas fault from left to right if they would have continue don't go in forward their truck would have gone over crashing all the way down as they are shown looking in shock and awe at what they are seeing.

"What is this"Emma asked Ray in disbelief while he thinks before a look of recognition flows through his eyes."the San Andreas fault"he says as he looks to the side showing the whole fault split all the way down the valley as the other part of the gas station is shown across with water spewing out the side down into the trench as the wind slightly howls.

Back to the elder couple who were trying to fix their car as the man was working on the back tire area before she stands back up by his wife"I told you we should have gone the other way."she expressed to her husband who looks at her"oh because you knew this was going to happen?"he asked rhetorically.

"Oh you!"she huffs before the truck they had tried to warn is shown coming up to them as it pulls to a stop ray putting it in park as he and Emma get out walking over to the elderly couple"we owe you guys a huge thanks"ray tells them great full cause if they hadn't worn them they would have went right over the fault and down into the trench.

"Really"Emma says with a great full smile as she stands beside ray.

"No need. We nearly made the same mistake ourselves... But busted an axle when we went off the road"the older man explains as he gestures to the car behind them.

"Thank goodness my eyes are better than his"his wife says as her husband signed giving her a side look.

Emma laughs a little"hey do you know if there's any way around this?" Emma asked them with hope.

"Well... The 198 might not be out through the pass"the man says as he thinks trying to help them in some way.

"How far is that"ray then asked.

"Oh ya gotta backtrack maybe 79 miles or so"he informed as Emma let's out a sigh of defeat as she and Ray share a look before Ray noticed the hat he was wearing as the man was wiping his hands off with a rag.

"Sit if you don't mind me asking...were did you get your hat"ray asked causing the man to look up before a large gate with the same logo"burdge aviation"as a small plain area is shown. Before the truck is shown but with ray and Emma outside of it."you guys really bailed us out. You sure we can't fly you anywhere"ray asked the elder couple who were now in the truck.

"Yeah our son lives in the mountains, there's no place to land. Thanks for the wheels"the elder man says with a smile.

"You bet. Be safe"ray says as he taps the truck before the elder couple drives off. Leaving ray and Emma there before a large slide door opens with a creak showing a small airplane as they share a look.

They were fueling the air plane up while Emma was grabbing two things of head sets hanging from the wall of the plane"we should be fueled up in a couple of minutes"ray says as she walks back to the front.

"Okay great"she says as she handed a head set to ray as she sits down in the passenger side of the plane.ray looked deep in thought making Emma noticed "everything okay"she asked wondering what's wrong.

"You asked me before if it was you. It wasn't. I knew you didn't blame me. I just didn't know how to deal with Mallory's death. "Ray starts off as he thinks about Mallory's death and what happened afterwards while taking a deep breath as Emma listened."it was my idea to take Mallory rafting that day." Soon a flash back is shown of Mallory in a rafting boat with as she wears a life vest and a helmet as she paddles with a smile.

"Ray"Emma says softly knowing he fells nothing but guilt."you can't blame yourself for what happened"she tells him softly.

"It's just different when it's your own kid"The flash back is shown again but this time a wave hits them hard as they were paddling before Mallory fell out of the boat with a scream into the water.

"I know"Emma whispered as she thinks about that day also.

"Sometimes I can't get that look she had out of my head."as Mallory was shown underwater drowning as air bubbles escape her mouth as she struggles.

"The moment she realized...that I wasn't going to be able to save her"he says with emotion held strongly in his voice "and then coming home everyday to you and Blake only made it harder. Because nothing was the way it used to be and the way it used to be was... it was perfect I should've let you in. I just didn't know how I'm so sorry for how things ended with us em. I really am"he explains with so much emotion held in his eyes as he looks at her. Emma looks softly at ray before gently placing a hand behind his head as she runs a thumb over his cheek gently "if you couldn't save our daughter...then no nobody could have"she explained softly to ray.

Ray nods his head slowly agreeing with her "I miss her so much "he admits while Emma rubbed his shoulder blade.

"Me to"Emma says with a small smile as she nods her head as it was silent for a moment before placing a hand on his knee like he did with her when he rescued her to reassure him like he did with her."let's go get our daughter and her best friend"Emma says before ray nods his head as the outside of the plan is shown with the nose propeller starting to turn as the engine can be heard starting before it picks up speed before it is shown going down a runway before taking off into the sky.

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