Chapter 1: Blooming Love

Start from the beginning

"Slayers," he hisses to me, "a hashira. Don't get involved with the wrong people." I brush his hand off of me, glaring at him with my wide amber colored eyes. I smile and purse my full red lips into a tight smile.

"I'll be fine," I say in frustration. He looks at me and turns away. He looks flustered, but he won't admit that to himself. I simply let out a laugh and run off to the slayer, "wait for me here." I run through the trees in the dark forest, making my way to the Hashira. Kanae. Kanae Kocho. Interesting, I suppose she's not dead yet.

"Help!" I whimper loudly, knowing she'll aid me, "a demon attacked me! I- I think I might die!"

"Oh my! You poor soul!" Kanae cries out, coming to my aid, "your shoulder's bleeding terribly!" I have quite a few issues. One is bringing daggers in my bag. They're small, but they're daggers. I grab one out quicker than Kanae can react and stab her through the chest. Her eyes look sad yet graceful, elegant through their pain. I resent people like her. Fools who fall for anything out of some false altruistic belief that everyone is good. I drag her pierced body through the woods with no respect nor consideration, pulling her forcefully over the rough gravel and dirt. I pull her to the clearing Muzan was waiting in and lay down her body.

"Happy birthday," I say dryly, "I hope this isn't too much association for you? Murder must make people oh so close."

Muzan hesitates but ultimately says, "Thank you, Amamiya."

"No, no," I say waving my hands, "that just won't do. Keep calling me Ayaka. Her name was Kanae Kocho by the way. 24 years old, same as me. She was the flower hashira. Doma would've killed her anyways, so don't thank me."

"I'll thank you if I want to," Muzan says, embracing me awkwardly. I stutter, and flush bright red, "you work for me remember?"

"Y-yeah, yeah," I stutter, "whatever."

"It's refreshing to have someone who treats me like any other person," starts Muzan, "no respect or formality, but no hatred like slayers. You're different."

"I know," I scoff with a laugh, "I could say the same about you. Most people are weak and follow people, but you- you're a visionary. And to hell with those who disagree."

"Oh?" Asks Muzan, caulking his head to side, "than what are you? A weak follower, or a visionary?"

"I like to think myself a visionary, but I'm weak," I reply honestly.

"You just stabbed a hashira," Muzan says if if he's speaking to an idiot, "you need someone to redefine weak for you."

"She was defenseless, and an altruistic and optimistic piece of work at that," I say in annoyance, people like that are easy to kill.

"Who are you really?" Asks Muzan, "what human chooses to kill other humans, has knowledge of the demon lord, sides with said demon lord, chooses to stay human, doesn't fear death, and seems to know everything?"

"I do, I suppose," I state blatantly, "I may have visions for the future, but I'm no wise prophet. I just know things. From a past life."

"So reincarnation is real? That's reassuring I suppose," Muzan jests, "not that it matters."

"Yes and no," I say, "sure Im in another world, but there's nothing about me that's changed. Hell, I still have my bag on me. And I didn't even die. It's less reincarnation and more of a baseless anomaly."

"That's an interesting way of putting it," remarks Muzan, "I'll keep that in mind, Ayaka. Say, we best be off to the infinity castle. I'm sure you know the place."

"I do," I say. Muzan snaps his fingers, and suddenly the forest warps into the sliding doors of the infinity fortress. In Muzan's room. No demons may enter, even in this enormous labyrinth.

"There is in fact one bed Kibutsuji," I say calmly, trying to hold myself together, "I beg your pardon, but why is there only one bed?" Muzan simply sighs.

"I don't sleep, it's yours," he says, waving his hand. I give a nod of my head to show my thanks and lie down in it. I'm honestly an insomniac myself, but I'm tired so I might as well. The sheets are red satin and the room gives an austere and ornate feel. I stare at the ceiling and the lights go off, save for a dim candle that's lit on a table.

"What are you doing?" I ask Muzan, shuffling out of bed with the blanket still wrapped around me, looking over his shoulder.

"I'm researching," he replies, jotting down notes on the blue spider lily. I slide onto the bench beside him, giving him some of my blanket. He doesn't say anything, and neither do I. I lean my head on his shoulder and look at his notes.

"That note, it's wrong," I say, pointing to a line about when the blue spider lily blooms, "it can bloom 2-3 days a year, not 1-2. And the duration is short but undefined, so don't give a time frame."

"Thanks," Muzan says, a bit irked that he didn't know that, "...Ayaka." I giggle lightly, and I close my eyes. I'm still leaning on him, but I suddenly feel tired. I'm an insomniac because I'm scared of the dark, I'm always thinking about what could happen in my sleep. Thinking someone might come and kill me. Not that they would, but I can't help being constantly scared. Somehow, lying on the shoulder of the murderous demon king, I feel safe enough to sleep.

A/N: Trying to write longer chapters than my previous fic, To Make Things Right Again. Yes, this is technically Muzan x FemReader the way I wrote it, but you can pretend she's a different gender or has a different name, sorry in advance! 

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