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"Hello? Chu? Are you there? Can you hear me?" Haein spoke as he walked back and forth his room, completely nervous.

"Yes I can. What's wrong? Is… is everything alright?" Jisoo questioned, worried.

"Yes, no. No wait!!" She heard him cursing under his breath and then he continued. "I.. I actually want to confess something. I think I've kept this from you for a long time."

"And, what is it?" She asked softly, knowing that the man is freaking out right now because of this 'confession'.

"Okay so, I just wanna say that…"

"You wanna say what?"

"I JUST WANTED TO TELL YOU THAT I LOVE YOU AND I DON'T THINK THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO LIVE WITHOUT YOU." He yelled, while Jisoo froze, not expecting the sudden 'love' confession.

"So," he continued, "will you marry me?" He asked in a tiny voice.

Silence took over as no one said anything. Haein started getting anxious and was about to ask her the question again, which he asked after gaining much courage, when he heard her sigh.

"Haein…. We're getting married after like 10 minutes or something. And you should've asked that question two months ago." She responded.

"Oh! Umm.. so.. is that a yes?" He asked, his voice so soft and low.

"Yes Haein."


"Stop freakin-" Her voice was cut off as Seong Jo snatched the phone from Haein's hand and ended the call.

"YAHH! We need to go to the hall NOW otherwise we'll be seriously late! Eugene informed me that the Bride is ready to go! Do you wanna be late for your own wedding??"

Haein shook his head violently and stormed out of his room, with a completely tired and annoyed Seong Jo following him.

"You may kiss the bride now."

Haein looked at the woman in front of him. Angel. She looked like an angel, her hair styled, the off-shoulder princess ball gown wedding dress which hugged her body perfectly made her look like an angel. He must have saved a country in his past life, because he seriously doesn't know what he did to deserve her.

He saw as she leaned closer to him, cupping his cheek and then wiping a tear which he didn't realize fell from his eyes.

"What?" She whispered. Smiling cheekily and her eyes glossy, just like his. "Are you finally regretting marrying an annoying woman like me?"

Haein chuckled as he leaned closer to her, wrapping his hand around her back, pulling her closer. "Nah sweetheart. I got to marry an angel. My angel. Why would I regret it?" He replied, and finally kissed her lips. The sounds of clapping and whistling in the background.

They broke their kiss as he rested his forehead on hers, both of them smiling and gazing at each other.

"I'm so happy that they finally got married." Min Kyu moved his gaze from the couple as he looked at the woman beside him, in a beautiful baby pink dress. "I was really bored of listening to Jisoo talk about how much she LOVED Haein. They really look cute together, don't you think so?"

"Yeah, they do." Min Kyu replied as he looked back at the couple, who were now talking to her parents. Her father laughed as he jokingly 'threatened' Haein. Saying how he's going to beat Haein's ass if he made Jisoo cry.

HELLO, ME | HAESOO | ✓Where stories live. Discover now