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[A few days later…]

"Today at 5 pm the police found a rusty old knife with blood stains near a pond. It is said to be the weapon which was used to murder Kim Jong Soo. No more details have been found about this knife yet. The police have been trying to find out if this weapon is actually related to the infamous 'Anonymous Case'. Another thing which is worth taking note about is that this knife was found about 15 kilometres away from the house of the policeman who is incharge of this case. It's like as if the murderer is trying to play with inspector Jung Hae In. Is this all really related? This is Bae Suzy and keep on watching TBS TV for more news."

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"Hey bitch! You did a great job! You're not as useless as I thought, girl." Jisoo heard the caller say as she picked up the phone. God she's so annoying.

"Yea well, did you say everything you wanted? Now cut the damn phone cuz I'm busy as fuck." She said as she saw the caller id with pure disgust.

"Wait a fckin minute girl. I bought a new car! Gonna pick you up right now so be ready. We're going on a long drive."

"What no wait! Hello? HELLO? Gosh why does no one fckin listen to me." Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"So how's the car?" Hye Yoon asked as she smiled cheekily.

She seems so cute. So innocent. And so fckin kind when she's not out there killing people as if they're mosquitos.

"Great." Jisoo simply replied.

The car was filled with Hye Yoon's annoying chatter and songs which were playing on the radio. Jisoo never wanted to come near her again, But what could she do when Hye Yoon kept calling her and even threatened her.

One thing she got to know about her old best friend. It's very simple to be honest. DON'T MESS WITH HER. She's crazy.

Trying to break her thoughts, Jisoo looked out of the window when she noticed that they came very far from their houses. And it looks like no one else lives here. It seemed like this place was completely deserted.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"No need to know about it girl. At Least we are having fun." Hye Yoon replied.

"No, I'm not having fun. Now tell me where are we?"

"Hey chill wha-"

"How can I chill when I'm with a FREAKING CRAZY KILLER SITTING NEXT TO ME!!"

"Hey you're mean!" Hye Yoon said, making a fake pout, which would have looked cute if she was normal.


"Don't freaking shout you're hurting my eardrums!"

The fight kept going on and with the driver Hye Yoon distracted the car crashed onto a pole. The impact caused both the girls to hit their heads slightly, but no big injuries since they were wearing their seatbelts.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!! MY PRECIOUS CAR!" Hye Yoon yelled, unbuckled her seatbelt and ran out to check the damage.

While Hye Yoon was checking her newly bought car, Jisoo on the other hand, kept looking around to see if there were any cameras.

"Hey Jisoo! Can you shift over to the driver's seat and try to reverse the car? The signal's not good here. I need to know if this car will work until we reach the mechanic shop." The girl said with her eyes looking onto the phone.

Meanwhile Jisoo searched for a few things in the already damaged car.

Rubbing alcohol, check.

Gloves, check.

Keys, check.


She shifted towards the driver's seat, wore the gloves, started and reversed the car.

Great Jisoo. Now one thing. Remember. It's now or Never.

"Oh great! The car's still working! Now let me c-"

Suddenly Jisoo sped the car towards Hye Yoon and hit her. Going over her body.

Either I die or she does.

Jisoo reversed the car and once again went over the small girl's body. Again. And again. She kept repeating the cycle until she finally decided that this much was enough.

But she didn't stop the car, she kept driving and finally, after some time when she was finally sure that she had come far away from the body of her old friend, she started cleaning all the traces about her being there and finally dumped the car into the lake.

Jisoo watched as the car slowly drowned. Knowing that she just killed a human being. It was different from her father. She thought she killed her father but it wasn't like that. And she attacked her father to save her mother.

But this time, she did it for something else. For her own satisfaction.

A small smirk crept her pretty face.

And finally, she got rid of the HEADACHE.

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[A/N: This story crossed 1k reads!!? OMG thanks guys. Like really. Thank you so much. I wonder why y'all read this but still thanks a lot. I think that this story is going to end soon. I love you guys (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠) ]

HELLO, ME | HAESOO | ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang