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Jisoo glanced at the man sleeping beside her. It looks like he was tired. Well, she was too. But after he told her about the anonymous case and the victim's name being KIM JONG SOO, plus he is the one investigating, she was unable to fall asleep. She removed his hand which was hugging her torso, careful to not wake him up and took her phone.

3:14 a.m.

She got up from her bed, and went to the hall. 

She took a deep breath. And then dialled the number.

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"So, you believe me now?" The person on the other end said.

"Not really."

"Well, I know. Actually this is weird for me too lmao. Like talking to my younger self. Well, how was the amusement park date?" She asked.

Jisoo wanted to ask her how she knew about the date but then remembered that this lady who she is talking with is her 'supposedly' older version. 

"You said you're Jisoo from the future right? Tell me why I should believe you. You also know that everything that you have told me since the first time we talked is actually crazy. Yo-"

"The real crazy thing is Haein being one of the people investigating your, I mean my, I mean our father's case, right?"

"Right." Jisoo replied. She knows that she herself has gone nuts because of believing a woman who says that she is her future self and what not, but she just can't understand the situation right now. There is literally no one who knows about her family. NO ONE. 

"Well, Tell me more about myself. If you are actually me." Jisoo said.

"What do you want to know? How were you abused by your father? Or how he killed your mother? Or how you killed him? Or maybe about how you met Haein?"

The woman continued to talk about Jisoo's life. More things, so much detailed information about her, as if Jisoo was talking about herself.


Jisoo was speechless. There was no way that this woman was lying. She knows everything. 

"Why did you call me? Why now?"

"Oh! So you believe me now?" She repeated.

"Yeah, I do. Happy? Now answer my question. WHY DID YOU CALL ME?" Jisoo asked again, being impatient.

"Woah, damn girl, chill." She heard the future Jisoo laugh. "I called you to help you."

"Help me? With what?"

"To save you. To help you survive."

"I still can't underst-"

"You know that Haein and his teammates are working on father's case, right? They are going to find out some information soon. I'm just gonna help you with that."

"What? Wh-"


Well fck.

"I'm gonna call you back after sometime. He woke up. Bye." Jisoo whispered and cut the call. She ran towards the kitchen and picked up the glass, filling it with water. The lights turned on revealing the shirtless man. 

"What are you doing babe?" He asked.

"Oh! I was just a little thirsty. What about you? Why did you wake up?" She asked, drinking the water.

"Nothing," he said, yawning. His eyes were still half closed, probably because he was still sleepy. "I don't know why but I suddenly woke up."

"Well, it's still late. Maybe we should go back to sleep, hmm?" She said, putting the glass into the sink.

"Hmm" he nodded. She followed him to the bedroom after turning the lights off.

He hugged her tightly. Her face buried into his bare chest. A few minutes later she looked up only to see Haein sleeping peacefully. After sometime she dozed off too.

Let's just think about this later.

"Uhmmm…" Jisoo groaned as she woke up. Sunlight hitting her face. She looked at phone to see the time.

7:57 a.m. 

"Wtf????" She shouted as she got out of her bed and went straight into her bathroom to shower. She was late. And it was Monday today. As she was getting out of her bathroom she accidentally hit her pinky toe with the door.

"Ouch!!" She yelled in pain. She quickly put her clothes on and ran out, closing the main door before leaving. As she was driving she almost crashed her car. 

She was even more late because of the traffic.

"Good morning to me, I guess?" she sighed. The day hasn't even started and she is already tired.

"Well, hello there Chu! Why so late today?" Shin Hye asked.

"Please. Don't ask." Jisoo said, rolling her eyes.

Shin Hye was one of the friends she made. She was her sunbae at work but actually, she treated her like a sister. 

"Btw, the principal was asking about our ideas." She said.

"For what?" Jisoo asked.

"For the annual sports day Chu. Less than 2 weeks are left. We have to do the preparations faster. Don't tell me that you completely forgot about it." Shin Hye said, a little surprised.

Urgh. Fck my life.

The bell rang. Finally, a long day at school was over. Jisoo bid farewell to all the students. And after packing her things up, she went inside the car and called her.


"Hello, what's u-"

"I have no time for your chit-chat. What is the thing that Haein is going to find out?" Jisoo said, cutting the woman on the other end off.

"Girl, you really have no patience." 

Jisoo 'tsk-tsked', annoyed.

"Okay so, he's gonna find out about our house."

"OUR HOUSE???" Jisoo yelled.


Oh god! If he finds our house, then he is definitely going to know about me. Fck

"Don't worry, he won't find out." 

"How? What did you do to escape this situation?" She asked.

"Okay listen to me carefully. Go back to the house and don't forget to take your gloves. You don't want to leave fingerprints, do you? And make sure your hair is properly tied. You can't have your hair fall problem be a reason for you being in jail, right?"

"Do you fckin think that the police is stupid? Won't they fckin realise that someone came in the house?"

[A/N: The call continues but it will be revealed in the next chapter.]

"So, what should I call you? Unnie? Or Jisoo? Or what?" Jisoo said.

"Call me Hee Jin. Choi Hee Jin." 

"Why Choi He-" 

*Call ended*

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[A/N: Let me know what you think about this chapter guys.. Thanks for reading and I love y'all ( ˘ ³˘)♥]

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