Sweet redemption chapter 16

Start from the beginning

"Help me." I can barely say the pain is so bad. All I can hear is grrrr grrr grrrr. "Help me!" A little louder but still not yelling. "HELP ME. PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed.

Daryl POV

Aaron and I were heading out west and were tracking by the looks of the print of a very big buck.

"So Daryl you excited about Dylan coming?"

"Scared and excited never knew you could be the same at the same time. I wanna meet my baby but I'm scared for Emma giving birth it's so risky."

"Everything we do Daryl is risky. Falling in love is risky, telling someone you love them is risky, everything we do is risky."

"Very true." Then all of a sudden we hear a loud crash sound, hell someone crashed through the fence this time. "Oh god home."

"Come on let's go." Aaron and I start running back to the town. Minutes felt like hours until we reached the outskirts of Alexandria. That's when we see from our vantage point, that part of the wall is down and hundreds of walkers are roaming the streets. "Daryl calm down they're okay, Eric and Em are fine." From our spot, we can see everything here, the whole town. I can't believe my eyes.

"Oh god baby what are you doing up there?"

"Where? Where's Emma?"

"On the lookout, unless that's another pregnant woman there something's wrong she's laying down holding her stomach." I can hear her yelling. "HELP ME. PLEASE! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I go running towards her Aaron is holding me back. "Let me the fuck go Emma needs me, something is wrong!"

"Calm down Daryl. I know you want to go there I get it I would too if it was Eric, but she's safe at the moment we need to think. We need a plan."


"What do we do?"

"I think she's in labor, yeah she is." Aaron says looking through his binoculars.

"She's gonna die, Aaron, Denise said she can't have that baby naturally, I can't sit here watching her die."

"She won't die, though she might be close to giving birth."

Emma POV

"HELP ME!" I've been screaming it feels like hours but I know it's only been minutes. Then all of a sudden I have a contraction and another stronger than the first. Okay think Em you can do this, all the while I can hear the creatures moaning and groaning trying to get to me. "Okay, babe if this is where you want to come out then fine." Thank goodness I'm wearing a dress. I pull my underwear off, really girl is the hospital too much to ask? I do I put my hand between my legs good news the liquid is clear so that's good, so far so good. I have no idea what I'm doing, remember Emma what did I do with Merlynn? I start breathing trying to concentrate as another contraction hits me. "Goddammit." I'm hit by another contraction as more fluid gushes from me. This time I look down and I start freaking out, there's blood.

"Oh god. OH GOD PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" I look down and the horde has increased, I can't climb down but I look over the side of the wall there are no walkers there they are all in Alexandria. I'm standing there thinking can I climb down? No way. What do I do?

Daryl POV

It's my worse nightmare. I can't watch it but can't help but watch it. I'm watching Emma, she's taking her underpants off, and I see her look at between her legs. I can see she's trying to breathe she must be having contractions. Then we hear it.


"Baby we are coming babe. Okay, Aaron, we need to get to her she's freaking her shit out." We watch her look over the fence baby don't do it, I'm coming.

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