Sweet redemption chapter 4

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sweet redemption

Chapter 4

Daryl POV

Fuck me I'm an uncle, that was unexpected. I didn't think that was why she was upset, damn that means Aaron knew as he said suggested that I go and see if she is okay. I walked into our new home in a daze.

"So where'd you end up Daryl?"

"Nowhere important I couldn't go to that party."

"Well, at least you had a shower. We got what we needed. We have to keep up the front these people have no idea what it's like to be alive what they have to do."

"Not everyone. Some know more but yeah you are right. Nice uniform Rick."

"Yeah. We gotta stay here and if they don't want us here we will take it."

"Daryl, is there something you want to talk about?"

"Nah nothin' ya need ta know. But I won't let ya hurt people that isn't us or me." I can't let them or me hurt Emma. I can't look at Emma either she was my brother's woman.

"You'd tell us if it was important right?"

"Maybe. Don't need ta tell ya everything ya know ya, not my boss." I'm not ready to tell them that my family is here.

"Hey, there are no secrets here Daryl."

"That's funny. I'll tell ya if and when I feel like telling ya. I don't even know what I think about it myself so let me process what I have ta then I'll tell ya about it."

"Okay, we will be here if you want to talk."

"I can tell you I got offered a job which I'm gonna take. The other I'm not ready for ya guys to know yet."

"Okay Daryl good night."

I walked inside and flopped on my bed I have a real bed I haven't had one since maybe before all this happened but never had one this good. I booted my shoes off and threw my arm over my head. I should've known there was more than what Merle was saying when I last saw him.


"What are you doing in here Merle?" I found him in the tombs of the prison.

"Oh just looking for a trip need to get outta here."

"Why you could make a life here."

"I don't deserve that darlina. I screwed up so bad brother and I have to try and make it up."

"You're not making any sense brother. Come back to me, brother."

"Can't come back from what I did. I stuffed up so bad and that's on me."

"What did you do brother?"

"Something I shouldn't have done and I have to live with that I don't know if I can, but maybe I can if I help your people."

"Merle I just want my brother back that's all I want."

"I lost that chance when I did what I did baby brother. I should've had faith but I didn't and that's on me."


I always wondered what he was talking about now I know what he was talking about. He was talking about sending Emma away and sending her north he should've sent her south she might have been with us at the prison and he might be alive, though he wouldn't have wanted a child, though the fact he cared enough about Emma to send her away to protect her means he might not have been as bad as he was, she might have changed him hell she's the kind of woman you want to change for so I can see why he was different with her.

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