Sweet redemption chapter 3

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sweet redemption

Chapter 3

Emma pov

Oh god he's dead I thought he might be but he's dead, and Daryl had to take him out I feel so bad for him. Aaron was telling me that I should tell him straight away that Merlynn is his niece but I can't. I headed home put Merlynn to bed then showered and crawled into bed and started crying. Then all of a sudden I heard a knock at my door I grabbed a shirt and put it on and go to open the door. I'm shocked by who it is.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Emma, you okay?"

"No, not really. I had a bad night."

"I'm sorry I ruined your night, telling you how my brother died. I had no choice. You have to do things like that you'd understand if you've been out there."

"I'm sure you didn't, he wouldn't have wanted to suffer. He was a selfless man."

"He was an asshole. He was my brother but he was a jerk."

"He wasn't a jerk he was a good man."

"You didn't know him you don't know him."

"You're wrong Daryl I did, he's Merlynn's dad."

"What the fuck! What do you mean he's her dad?"

"Usually goes with having unsafe sex. Kids can come from it."

"You knew my brother? When? Where?"

"You wanna come in and sit down."

"I want some answers that's what I want."

"What do you want to know?"

"What proof do you have that she's his?"

"Look at her eyes, her jawline he's right there that's how I knew who you were. They are Merle all through. Oh, that and his brother was a hunter and used a crossbow he used to call you his baby brother."

"You could be guessing that. I want proof."

"Well can't give you proof but I knew about Rick as soon as he said Rick Grimes my first thought was officer friendly, the cop that chained Merle to a pipe in Atlanta."

"Oh god, it's true. He's her dad. How did you get here?"

"Long story. Wanna coffee?"

"Whatever." He sits down.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this. I wasn't going to tell you."

"You weren't? You were going to try and keep my family away from me?"

"Well, until I could trust you yeah. How do I know if you won't steal her away from me? You might think I'm unfit to raise your niece."

"I wouldn't have done that. You look like a good mom. She looks happy."

"Yeah, she's a good kid."

"How did you meet?"

"I was with a group when the governor and his men your brother included raided them and I don't know how I survived but your brother found me and they brought me back to Woodbury. On the getting-together business, it was at the start just pure sex, I was horny he was there, believe me, Daryl there weren't a lot of choices. Especially free choice though there was a lot more there than here."

"There's plenty of men here."

"Not the type I like okay. But getting back to it. Merle looked after me, I was more or less his the others left me alone which was good but I did really like him, you said he was a jerk but he wasn't to me. And that's the only version I have to go on and that's the man I'll be telling Merlynn about. I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell my daughter that he was a jerk."

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