chapter six

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CW: physical assault.

You're walking your way into the woods to meet Angel while pulling your long sleeves down to cover the new bruises those men have left on you

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You're walking your way into the woods to meet Angel while pulling your long sleeves down to cover the new bruises those men have left on you. Ever since you realized your feelings for the Angel Devil, you've become a little self-conscious around him. You don't want him to see you covered in bruises because you thought that it will turn him off.

The other maids in the mansion helped you cover up the bruises using cheap make-up. They also taught you about basic make-up, so that when you meet with Angel... You can feel confident. After all, he's a gorgeous devil, and standing next to him looking like a beaten potato is kinda embarrassing.

Shortly after the walk, you arrived at your meeting spot, but he was not there. "Angel?" You approached the tree and looked around. "Oh, he's running late," you murmured.

"y/n." A familiar voice called you from behind.

Your face immediately lightens up, and your lips smile wide before turning around. You were about to say something but paused when you saw him handing you a single pink poppy flower. He's averting his gaze while lightly kicking stones on the ground like a shy middle schooler talking to his crush.

"I saw this on my way here, and thought that this will suit you, so I picked it up." He said, stepping a little closer to carefully slide the flower on top of your ear without touching you.

He then takes a step back as you try to feel the flower on your ear. "I'm right. This flower suits you, y/n. You look like a fairy." He said, smiling.

"Thank you, Angel." That's all you managed to say as your heart won't stop pounding fast. What is this? I can't relax. I feel like I'm about to explode.

"You're welcome. Next time I'll bring you a bouquet of that flower!"

You giggled and nodded cheerfully as Angel remained silent, staring at you. There's a brief silence between you two as you both stare at each other with a strong desire to reach out... God knows how badly you want to hug this Devil in front of you, but you know it's forbidden.

This is bad, I'm becoming greedy.

After a few seconds, you cleared your throat to break the silence. "Let's eat! I brought curry buns and custard cakes for a change." You said as you began to lay a cloth on the ground and prepare the food. Angel sat two feet away from you, his head resting on his knees, watching you.

"Beautiful." He whispered gently.

"Huh?" You asked, looking at him. Angel's eyes widened upon realizing what he'd said out loud. He then sat straight, clearing his throat.

"Ah, I said... I like custard cakes."

"Oh! Is that so? Here, taste it. I bought it from the same bakery where I get the curry buns, and I guarantee that they make the best custard cake in Tokyo!" You said and handed him the sliced cake.

someday, somehow | angel devil ✓Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu