chapter two

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Every other day for the past three months, the Angel Devil sees you sneaking into the woods and eating the same bread over and over. He notices that instead of healing, you are getting more and more bruises each time he sees you.

"To have so many bruises like that, just what life do you have, huh, human?" The Angel Devil whispered. He paused and quickly looked back as he sensed a devil approaching near.

"You will die if you don't go now." He whispered, watching you unwrapping the bread.

"I won't lift a finger to help you..." He added.

"It will be painful to be eaten alive by a devil..."

"It will be here in a few minutes."

"Ah! Fresh out of the oven!" You happily said. The young lad paused as his eyes widened when he saw you smile as you smelled the newly baked buns. What the hell? Do I really feel pity for this human?

"Ah, what a drag."

You immediately looked up upon hearing a loud rustling sound. Leaves fell from above and rained down on you.

"Huh?" You stared at it for a moment, then shrugged your shoulders when you didn't see anything and continued to eat your favorite bread.

The Angel Devil is now standing in front of a devil's corpse. It's just a weak devil, but it can still kill a human in a single snap. "Now my hands are dirty, and I have to call Aki." He whispered.

"All this work for a damn human, huh?" A sarcastic chuckle escaped his lips, unable to believe he had killed the devil just so you could eat your damn curry buns in peace.

He froze when he suddenly felt a sharp sting in his head. "Argh!" He groaned in pain, holding his forehead. A high-pitch tone echoed inside his ear as the images of people who resented him for being a devil flashed through his mind.

You monster!

You killed them!

I don't want to be near that devil.

It is for the better that the devil not here.

Then suddenly, in the middle of his pain, your smiles appeared. And then, as if by magic, the noise and pain faded away... everything stopped. Angel raised his head up and looked back in your direction,

"Who are you?"

"Aki, can you buy me something that humans use to treat wounds?" Angel nonchalantly asked his colleague. He's sitting on the huge metal bin, his legs crossed and his head resting on his palm.

"Why? Are you hurt or something?" Aki asked, puffing on a cigarette. It's their break from patrolling, and they're simply passing the time, away from the public eye.


"Then, why do you need it?"

"I just need it, and since I can't be close to humans, could you buy it for me?"

Aki looked at Angel, confused and intrigued by his sudden request. "You're not up to something bad, eh?"

"That takes a lot of effort, which I don't want to exert, so no."

Aki puffed his last smoke and threw the cigarette butt on the ground. "Fair point. Fine, I'll buy one for you. Just anti-septic?"

"Buy some band-aids too..." he paused and tilted his head to the side. "On a second thought, buy the whole first aid kit, and an Ice cream!"

"Jeez. Fine, wait here."

"I'll pay you."

"Nah. It's fine.

someday, somehow | angel devil ✓Where stories live. Discover now