Finding the ship

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        Beeping and lights are all that the creature waking sees.  All around.  No other creature like this has ever been seen.  This creature was part of a bigger group that was purchased.  This creature was small compared to the ship and chairs, windows, even tables dwarfed them.  As they stepped onto the cold floor looking around and listening to the noises around them. There are more of them all around.  But they are not getting up.  Why not?  Making a noise that if heard would sound like a small animal almost perhaps looking for something.  But there was no one or things to answer to them.  The individual started the long journey on foot looking for something that would help them figure out where they are.  There are what looks like material on the floor.  Almost as if someone cleaned out their closets but inside it looks like bones?  But the bones look nothing like they should.

      Upon walking for a long time seeing random doors that seemed to be locked and panels with lights with buttons on them in a language foreign to the one here.  Unable to really concentrate on much not thinking at all just wandering.    Coming up to some big doors that when walked up to swish open!  Not met with yet another locked door.   That is great the individual seems to feel weird in their mouth like they need something.  There are lights everywhere and noises that make the ears and head throb.   There is dust covering everything in this ship like it's been a very long time since it was cleaned. Can the light be shut off the noise be cancelled?  There is a big red thing flashing and its where they think the noise is emanating from.  Out stretches a long pale arm and that is when the creature realizes it has arms and a hand.  A hand that is right that is the name of the thing pushing the button down and the noise changes more like a slight bing sound.

       Looking for food and water even the most basic living creatures need this. Upon searching and wandering the being finds long tables and chairs. Getting closer to a huge machine looks like a vending machine maybe. Looking at the buttons and lights coming from it. Why does everything have such bright lights? A noise comes from the machine and a container come out when looked at notices a long thin tube coming from it. Sniffing the tube and shaking it slightly noticing its filled with a liquid. Maybe a drink? They place their mouth on to the tube...straw yeah that's it. And pulls from it. No taste but instantly feels the odd feeling in their mouth go away. And the empty feeling below seems to fade. It must help with hunger as well.

     The creature realizing, their body is shaking slightly.  Little bumps all over their body like raised spots without color.  Wait a minute this means cold.  Noticing that the clothing is more sleeveless shirt with short leg coverings.    Wondering around looking for something to cover themselves more, maybe something for their feet?    Coming to another door that opens and seeing cloth in a big square shape on a flat surface that is just off the floor.  And a squishy thing on one end.  They know this its a bed.  Feeling like its been years since they slept crawl up to it and lay down.  See what happens later?  Maybe go looking for more answers.  There were others like them.  

        Awakening and stretching feeling much better but in need of water and food perhaps?  Picking up the large piece of cloth a... blanket.  Where was that place with the tables again?  Memory is better than before but not great.  Finding the location and yup same food/drink thing.  Wishing they could read this language.  It seems strange.  But to anyone a new language always looks strange.  Finding information unless in their language unsure what their language isn't helpful either.  Trying to find anything to help pass the time.  Trying to find a way out of this place.  The few windows show green and blue outside.  But the windows are dirty so not much for detail.  No movement no animals.  

       As they walk back to where they woke there are small containers where the others seem to be not moving. There are buttons all over the place. Unsure if pushing them will hurt the ones inside keeps them from trying.   They look so happy and relaxed.  Perhaps seeing things while their eyes are closed.  Dreaming yes dreaming.  The best part of sleep.  Lately its not been good dreams all bad things.  Not getting out or seeing others.  Scared to be alone for much longer. 

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