The battles ahead would be tough, and victory was never guaranteed. But with the support of their allies and their unwavering commitment to their cause, they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

The new era of Kamen Riders had begun, and they were ready to fight for the safety and security of their world.After the events of Kamen Rider Zero-One, the world had changed. Humagears, once feared and mistrusted, were now accepted and even embraced by society. The rise of Kamen Riders had brought peace and security to the world, and Leon and his wife had played a pivotal role in that victory.

But not everyone was happy with the new world order. Some saw the humagears and the Kamen Riders as a threat to their own power and control. And so a new group emerged, determined to overthrow the established order and create a world without Kamen Riders and technology.

Leon and his wife knew that this new threat needed to be dealt with quickly and decisively. They reached out to the Kamen Riders of the past, seeking their guidance and assistance in the fight ahead. And together, they formulated a plan to stop the new group and protect the world they had fought so hard to create.

As they set out on their mission, they knew that the battles ahead would be tough, and that victory was never guaranteed. But they were ready to face whatever challenges came their way, and to fight for the safety and security of their world. The new era of Kamen Riders had begun, and they were determined to see it through to the end.

The year was now 2069, and the world was a vastly different place than it had been just a few decades earlier. The advancements in technology had been unprecedented, and the line between humans and machines had blurred beyond recognition.

Leon and his wife, who had once feared the rise of AIs and humagears, now embraced  the new technological age. But as always, there were those who resisted change, and the new group that had emerged sought to rid the world of all technology and return it to a simpler time.

The Kamen Riders, with their advanced technology and AI partners, were seen as a direct threat by this group, and they were determined to wipe them out. Leon and his wife knew that they had to act quickly, and they reached out to the new generation of Kamen Riders to join the fight.

The new team was made up of four young individuals, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Zay, the leader of the team, was a skilled hacker and had a deep understanding of technology. Rina, the team's second-in-command, was a fierce fighter and had a passion for justice. Dan, the team's engineer, was a brilliant inventor and had a talent for creating new weapons and gadgets. And Corey, the team's wild card, was a mysterious figure with a talent for hacking and a deep connection to the Egyptian god Anubis.

Together, they were the new generation of Kamen Riders, and they were ready to take on any challenge that came their way. Their mission was to protect the world from those who would seek to destroy it, and to uphold the legacy of the Kamen Riders who had come before them.

As the first arc of their journey began, they knew that they were in for a tough fight. But with their skills, determination, and the guidance of Leon and his wife, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As AIs and Humagears became more prevalent in society, a growing number of people began to fear their increasing presence. Many feared that these artificial beings would one day take over, just as they had in Daybreak Town.

Amidst this growing anxiety, a new terrorist group called the "Anti-AI Union" emerged, dedicated to eradicating all AIs and Humagears from the world. The group's leader, a man named Adam, was a brilliant hacker who believed that the only way to save humanity was to eliminate all technology and return to a more primitive way of life.

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