(F)One Bed - Taeyong

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"Okay y/n and Taeyong you will be in room 302, here's your key, remember the driver will be here at 10am tomorrow morning", My boss instructed before leaving us in the lobby.

Taeyong was scheduled for a photo shoot tomorrow for his upcoming single. I was so proud of all the hard work he put in to have time for solo project while maintaining his role as the leader of NCT.

I followed Taeyong to the elevator, both of us tugging along luggage. The doors let out a soft ding at the sound of them opening and closing. I was happy we got the 3rd floor and not the very top which always seemed to make me dizzy and nervous.

The ride up was quite, both of us tired from the long day of schedules and 3 hour car drive to the hotel. The doors opened to a silent hallway with presumably sleeping tenant's, its currently a little past midnight.

I quickly enter the key card and revealed a soft white bed that I immediately wanted to dive in to.. wait a minute, where's the other bed?

I stopped in my tracks halfway to the bed.

"One bed?", I questioned aloud to myself, too tired to deal with this mistake.

Taeyong moved past me shrugging his shoulders. "We can share", he said simply, setting his luggage aside and beginning to remove his skin care products.

"Are you sure?", In any other scenario I would have contemplated sleeping in the hall before sleeping next to an idol, but it was past midnight and i was dead tired.. What? You would too!

"You can change in here while I get ready in the bathroom", he added, taking his cosmetic bag into the bathroom and shutting the door.

I stood frozen in my stop for a moment, staring at the door. Was I honestly going to change my clothes in a room that only separated me from him by a thin door that he didn't even lock?


I quickly shuffled through my belongings grabbing a soft t-shirt and cotton shorts and changing into them quickly. I heard water running and the sound of his voice singing random words. It seemed he was taking his sweet time so I grabbed my phone and scrolled aimlessly, waiting on the edge of the bed.




"AHH!", I screamed, my phone flying across the room as Taeyong fell on the floor laughing hysterically at my overreaction.

My face was flushed with embarrassment as I quickly picked my phone up and rushed inside the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I can't believe he just did that.

"y/n, hey open up, ha- i- im sorry", He continued laughing as he wiggled the bathroom door trying to get me to open it.

"no", I spoke, washing my face and brushing my teeth.

His laughter seemed to die down by the time I was finished, I took a breath before opening the door with a poker face only to be shocked again by him leaning against the door frame, one arm propped up, his tall frame making me feel even smaller.

I breathed in quickly surprised by his sudden appearance but keeping my reaction minimal. I avoided his eyes and attempted to duck under his arm but with no luck. His soft hand reached out to catch my arm and pull me back.

"Im sorry", He pouted, his bottom lip puckered with his big doe eyes.

I felt a shiver go down my spine at how attractive he always seemed to be. "Its fine, i overreacted im just sleepy", I smiled nervously.

He smiled down at me with a teasing gleam in his eye but ultimately decided to let me pass by. I circled to the other side of the bed and drew back the covers, sliding in and scrolling through my phone again.

No matter how tired I was, I couldn't seem to sleep unless I scrolled through YouTube or Instagram for at least an hour. Taeyong returned to the bathroom again bringing out a small container with skin cream.

He sat on the bed beside me above the covers and smoothed the cream on his face while watching my phone screen as i scrolled through random posts.

I glanced up at him with a sleepy smile, he wiggled his eyebrows and stuck out his tongue playfully causing me to giggle.

My eyes were definitely getting heavier so I switched off my phone and turned on my side to go to bed. Taeyong finished with his lotion and turned off the light, scrolling on his own phone for another half hour before he decided he better get all the sleep he could.

The bed dipped down behind me as he slid under the covers and pressed my back against his front, his arm wrapping around my torso.

Our breathing became even, both of us falling asleep quickly.




My eyes struggled to open as I checked my phone out of reflex to see what time it was.


Thank god.

I breathed out a sigh of relief setting my phone back on the night stand and turning on my other side to return to sleep. I couldn't help but notice his puffy cheeks and how cute he looked while he slept. At some point we had drifted apart as he was now on his back and I was turned towards him.

My brain had grown foggy again but not fully unconscious as i felt a tug on my right leg, dragging my hip across his waist. I let him guide my body, my head snuggling against his chest comfortably.

His long soft padded finger tips stroked the skin on my bare thigh, rubbing circles that he dragged up and down, my skin prickling underneath his touch.

I squirmed slightly, halting his actions for a moment before he moved his hands up to holding me by the curve of my hip, his fingers just ghosting above my bottom.

A part of my brain told me that come morning I would be too embarrassed to even look at him, but right now.. who's to blame me?

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