(S) Stylist - Taeyong

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I tried to ignore the tremble in my hands as I brushed through Chenle's hair.

Taeyong's glare penetrated through my skin like a needle.

I was still trying to figure out why he hated me so. I was used to being ignored, I was used to being lightly teased with, but this I was not used to.

"Noona", Chenle spoke snapping me out of trance.


"Do you think I can keep this color for a while, I'm tired of dying it", he complained, his lips pouting out adorably.

I couldn't help but smile at his cute little face.

"Unfortunately that's not up to me, but if it was I'd let you do whatever you wanted", I smiled softly continuing to comb through his hair.

"Ah, you're too sweet noona", he smiled cutely, reaching up and patting my hand before returning his attention to his phone.

It was such a simple but sweet gesture that I blushed faintly, my eyes fell on Taeyong's glare in the reflection of the mirror and I quickly lowered my head in embarrassment.

"okay that's it for my part", I smiled saying goodbye to Chenle for now and going back to check at my clipboard where my tasks were listed.

I placed a check mark beside Chenle's name and moved down the list to see Taeyong's name next..

My hands began shaking again, I usually dealt with the younger boys like Sungchan, Shotaro, Chenle, Renjun and so on.

"Sajangnim, I think there's been a mistake", I spoke to my manager quietly, showing the clipboard with Taeyong's name on it.

"No its correct, Minji is out sick today so you will be filling in for her", My manager spoke before walking away.

I stood frozen to my spot, my eyes connecting once again with Taeyong who now held a smirk on his face, his legs spreading in his chair with an irritating smug look.

He signaled me over with two fingers.

I couldn't help but look around at the others who were all occupied with getting the boys ready for their music video.

My body seemed to be moving on its own as I neared closer to him, my mind going numb with fear of what his intentions might be.

I walked nervously until I was stood in front of him, bowing politely and showing him the clipboard as if to protect me from anger that his usual stylist was replaced with me today.

His eyebrow lifted, "What?, do you need me to explain how to do your job?', He spoke carelessly.

"No sir, I just wanted to explain your usu-", He held up his hand and cut me off.

"she's out today and your replacing her, hurry up before I'm late", he spoke coldly, leaning back into his seat and closing his eyes.

I was honestly stunned at his behavior, he always seemed so nice with the other staff but with me he was cold and harsh.

I felt my eyes water and my cheeks heated wit embarrassment, I moved behind him quickly angry at myself for getting emotional. I arranged my supplies and began styling his hair.

Luckily he remained silent throughout the process.

Boys began leaving and heading to set as they finished up, the room slowly emptying.

"15 minutes", my boss spoke loudly to me before leaving the room and the remaining stylist trailing behind her.

I started to wonder if the reason Taeyong was glaring at me earlier was due to him being the last one. The room was empty and silent save for the soft breaths from him.

I leaned over slightly to check if he was still awake..

A sudden grip on my wrist shocked me as his eyes flashed open and pulled me around to stand in between his legs.

"wha-", I started but he hushed me

"Finally, I've got you alone", he smiled darkly.

"Taeyong", I spoke confused, trying to back away but his grip was too strong.

He sat up and held me closer, looking up at me with a boyish smirk on his face.

"You have no f*cking clue how long I've wanted to see you up close", he spoke looking over my face as if he were studying it.

He stood quickly pushing my back against the counter connected to a large mirror.

"Tae-", I tried to speak again but he silenced me with a sudden kiss.

Blood was rushing through my veins and flushing my skin with embarrassment and fear.

Adrenaline gave me power as I pushed him back forcefully.

"you are such an a**hole!", I yelled

His eyes were dilated and his grin was growing wider as he watched me stomp my foot in frustration.

"I can't believe you, you're such a jerk thinking you can just kiss a girl after being rude to her and glaring at me all the time!", I continued my rant, brushing my hands through my hair.

"Ugh! you're such a - a ", I began to stutter running out of insults

He stood quietly, a smile on his face, his arms crossed as he watched me with amusement in his eyes.

I marched up to his chest and pushed him again, not even budging him an inch.

My body was flushed with a new feeling now. I glared up him before gripping his shirt and kissing him.

This seemed to be the only move that surprised him, he quickly adjusted and wrapped his arms around my back picking me up and placing me on the counter.

Without thinking I ran my fingers through his hair roughly, gripping and pulling it with pent up frustration causing him to moan deeply and push his tongue deeper in my mouth dominating the kiss.

With heavy harsh breaths we separated, his used his thumb to wipe my bottom lip which was coated in his saliva.

"feel better baby?", he taunted, brushing back any wild stray hairs from my now loosened pony tail.

"yes", I huffed

"what's wrong now?", his grin was lopsided

"I messed up your hair", I pouted knowing he probably had a few minutes left before he was due on set.

He picked up his face to look at his reflecting in the mirror behind me. He used his hands to spiff up his hair in the front and smooth down other areas.

"there", he spoke, finished with touching up his hair.

"you look like you just got done having sex", I complained reaching up to fix it more. His hand caught my wrist and stopped me, kissing the inside of it gently.

"Exactly", he grinned stepping back and helping me down from the counter.

"Czennies will go crazy for it", he smiled before kissing my forehead.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, amused with his quick mood changes.

His veiny hand gripped my jaw as he whispered against my ear harshly, "roll your eyes again little girl and I will be late to set", he threatened.

A shiver ran down my spine as he kissed behind my ear. His eyes were dark with hunger as he debated on finishing what he started.

Footsteps were heard echoing down the hallway causing the two of us to separate quickly.

'Times up!", the director yelled coming in and snatching Taeyong away as I busied myself with cleaning up my area. I caught a glance of him in the mirror blowing me a kiss before the door shut.

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