Chapter 10

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"No, how do you come up with that?" I asked him

"Well.. you are pretty close to Lewis, live with him and he opens the door for me half-naked"

"I'll explain living with them to you another time and yes, me and Lewis are best friends. He probably just trained when you came, because he opened the door half-naked."

"Hmm okay that makes sense," said Charles, "By the way, we're here"

We got out of his car and walked towards Pierre's front door.

When we rang the bell, he immediately opened and hugged me

"There you are! By the way, I thought we'd order pizza instead of cooking," said Pierre

"You only say that because you can't cook," said Charles

We all laughed

"Then let's go in"

We spent the evening very comfortably with pizza and wine. I told them about my problem and they both comforted me

"I think it's time to drive home," I said while yawning

"We're so sorry, but we can't drive you home because we both drank something," Charles admits

"No problem, I'll just call Lew," I said while dialing his number

Lewis was there for 20 minutes and I fell straight into bed when we got home

The next morning I woke up and I noticed that I haven't done Insta Post for a long time, which is why I was looking for my phone



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olivia.hoefer: I was at my first Formula 1 race and now I work for @redbullracimg 🤩

taged: @reebullracing, @maxverstappen33

❤️ liked by @pierregasly, @lewishamilton, @cullen_angela and 2,001 others

@lewishamilton: It's a pity that you don't work for us😂
reply to @lewishamilton: Would you like to have🤓

@pierregasly: Next time you come to Alpha Tauri😉
reply to @pierregasly: I work for Red Bull, have you forgotten?😛

@cullen_angela: looking beautiful 💜
reply to @cullen_angela: ❤️

When I put my phone away, Lewis came into my bedroom with a small bag

"I have the pregnancy tests here, which Ang got you yesterday," said Lewis

"I'm scared..." I admitted

"Hey.. you don't even know if you're pregnant," Lewis said as he sat next to me and hugged me.

"You're right," I said as I got up and went to the bathroom

Now 10 minutes had passed and I don't dare to look at the result

"Can you look first?" I asked Lewis

He took the test and looked at it, then he showed me the test


I was overjoyed and hugged Lewis "Fortunately" I said while crying with joy

But then my phone rang. It was Max.

"Go for it, you have to sort it out anyway"

I took my phone quietly in my hand and took off


"Can you tell me why Kelly broke up with me on the grounds that I cheated on you? We had nothing with each other."

"M-Max... can you please come to Lewis, I have to tell you something."

"Mhhh well, I'll be there in 10 minutes," he said and hangs up

"Max is coming in 10 minutes"

"Well, then get dressed and I'll make coffee first"

I got dressed and drank my coffee until the doorbell rang

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"Yes, please Lewis"

I went to the door and opened it. Max was there.

"Come in Max. Do you want coffee?"

"I want an explanation!"

"Sit down first," says Lewis

We all sat down on Lewis' couch

"So what now?"

Max looked back and forth between us

"Max... I woke up in your bed on Monday with a bad headache and we were both naked"

"We haven't? ...Or?"

"But Max..." I said "I felt guilty and had to tell Kelly immediately"

"Olivia! You should have told me first," said Max while desperately lay his head in his hands.

"And I thought I was pregnant from you"

Max looked at me in panic

"... but the test was negative"

Max fell a stone from the heart

"I'm so sorry Max.." I started to cry and put my head on Lewis' shoulder, who stroked my hair

"I'm not entirely innocent either, I shouldn't have drunk so much either," Max said while he took my hand to calm down

"What do we do now?"

"We can't do anything now, because Kelly has run away and is also not reachable," said Max

"Since we've clarified everything so far, I think it's time for me to go" Max stood on "See you on tomorrow " he said before he leaves Lewis' apartment

"See, it wasn't that bad," said Lewis


My phone rang. It was my mom. I didn't know if I should answer. Finally, I received the call

"What do you want?!"

"Hey... can we talk? Personally!"

"What do you really want from me?"

"You are no longer here and somehow we already miss you"

"Oh yes?! If I hadn't been on TV, you wouldn't even have noticed that I was gone"

"We didn't notice it at the beginning. Yes. Please can we meet"

"It doesn't work. I'm in Monaco"

"We know. We saw you agitated at the harbor yesterday"

"Wait... where did you get the money all of all of a time?"

"Your dad was promoted"

"All right. In 15 minutes on the harp, I don't have much time. I still have to pack"

"Good until soon," said my mum and hung up

"We'll meet with my parents at the harp in 15 minutes," I said to Lewis...

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