Chapter 25

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Motohama trembled as Daiji radiated an aura of holy power.

Daiji:You won't get any mercy.....Not from me.

Motohama:Tch! Stamp or not, with lord Gif's power I'm invincible!

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Motohama:Tch! Stamp or not, with lord Gif's power I'm invincible!

Motohama tries to leap at Daiji only to be shot out of the air.Using his newly acquired wings Daiji flew forward and struck Motohama with a powerful kick.Motohama was knocked back but quickly got up.

Motohama:I'll kill you!

Different parts of Motohama's body began to change shape.His legs morphed into large thick insect like legs, while one of his arms gained a crab like claw the other extended into a whip like tail.Motohama leapt into the air and tried to grab Daiji only for the young rider to fly out of the way.Motohama thrashed his whip arm violently trying to knock Daiji out of the air only for Daiji to dodge every swing.


Suddenly the demon's claw like arm shot off like a projectile aimed straight at Daiji.Daiji seemed to become surrounded by feathers as he brandished his weapon.

Hissatsu Shonin!

Daiji suddenly reappeared right behind Motohama.A look of terror washed over the demon as he spun around to face Daiji

Holy Justice Finish!

Demonic energy gathered around Daiji's feet as his rider kick tore straight through Motohama.Daiji soon hit the ground before turning to face the sparking Motohama.

Motohama:You YOU SON OF A BITCH!

Motohama's body erupted into a massive explosion the force of which knocked Daiji back.A sudden wave of pain rushed over Daiji who collapsed.As Daiji laid on the ground slowly loosing consciousness he held up the holy wing vistamp.

Daiji:.I did it.....partner......

Daiji's arm fell limp as he began to bleed out from behind his make shift eyepatch.From the cinders of Motohama's body, a number of small purple sparks seemed to emerge and float away with the wind.

An unknown figure slowly emerged from the nearby shadows and approached the young man's body.


Y/n let out a yawn as he walked to school, his thoughts seemingly elsewhere Y/n didn't notice a man approaching him.

???:Pardon me.

Y/n froze as a hand was planted on his shoulder, Y/n turned around to be face a tall, long haired man.

Y/n froze as a hand was planted on his shoulder, Y/n turned around to be face a tall, long haired man

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