Please kronii,It's following me..

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Baelz:sorry for the disruption,it's kinda important.

Kronii: as long as it's not about political stuff then no problem,so what's the 'important thing'.

baelz sits down on her custom chair bright red,blue and yellow colours with the word RAT on it, she begged for months to kronii to get it,though kronii never knew why baelz wanted it,she got it anyway.

Baelz:Erm..God how do I say this..


Baelz: (sigh) ...These past days there have been some weird I guess you could say abnormal thing happening to me.While I was sending out some spies I saw..a dark or shadow figure hiding or just running.Then as time went on,I saw even more of the dark figure running around hiding or just running.I'm not really sure if it's multiple figures.

Kronii: ... What?

Baelz: I know it sounds like I'm joking but..I swore I saw it multiple times,and I think It's -following me and maybe even stalking me..

Kronii: how would you know?

Baelz: ..I feel this weird presence around me whenever I'm alone,it..immediately disappears when someone is with me like a guard or a follower or anyone.

Kronii: ...Look baelz,I'm confused right about now but if you want I can send you more guards and maybe even hitmans to take out this person or thing.

Baelz:No! That's not-

Kronii; hm?

Baelz: what I wanted to tell you is that... I want to be alone for the next few weeks or should I say...leaving the base for a few weeks.

Kronii was stunned.Thinking about her best friend getting herself in danger makes her want to stop time and find out whatever the f#ck this thing is following her.In this city they had a huge bounty on them and if one of them gets caught Oh bad things would start happening.

Kronii: Are you kidding me,Baelz you know how dangerous your idea is.I can't just leave you.What if you get caught.Or worse,killed.

Baelz: please kronii..I really need to know who or what it is.It's almost driving me crazy on who is it.This thing has been going on for almost two months now..I can't ignore it anymore.

Kronii: ... I'll consider it..Maybe.

Baelz: I understand your worries but I promise I'll be fine.

Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

(Hey guys,sorry I'm not gonna be publishing some chapters for a while since I'm going to Gisney world this week! I'm super excited since I haven't been there in six whole years ;> but I appreciate you guys for reading and commenting! It brings me a lot of joy just by your support:] )

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