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'Kronii master,your mother wants to speak with you.' said their household butler.'Thank you,I'll be down shortly,you
may leave now.' Replied kronii,she knew this day would come.She already expected it for months.

'Mother,what is it that you want to speak to me?'asked kronii.

'Kronii,I am going to leave this world soon,soon after you'll be the new godfather of our family.Now I need to give you some advice,these are things I want you to follow.First,never be merciful.Do you remember a single time anyone has helped us when we were bankrupt? Since now your powerful,everyone is willing to backstab you.Second,never trust anybody,like I said,everyone is willing to betray you for their own gain,even people who you have known for years will backstab you for their own greed.Third,stay alert,I don't care where,the streets,the house maybe even your own room,don't get too relaxed,you could easily get harmed.That is all the advice I can give you,I hope you become a better godfather than your father.'

'Yes mother'kronii replied back,that was the last thing she heard from her mother.

'Tch,stupid memory.Why does it always come back.'kronii said to herself as she was resting in her bed.I'm probably just stressed by all the stuff that happened while I was young.I should just train to get things off my mind. As kronii starts walking,she felt a slight headache.

Suddenly,she heard a knock on the door, 'you may come in' kronii said. A butler kronies came in, 'Miss ouro,sorry to bother but the consigliere has just set up a meeting and she wants the whole mafia family there.'
God..What does baelz want now? And at this hour..
'Tell her I'll be there in 10.' she replies 'alright miss,and also the meeting will be in the hall.' The butler said
'Thank you,you may leave now..'

Wonder what she needs the whole mafia there for,must be serious then.

Nah i had my hopes up,it's probably because of a stupid reason.

(Very Sorry it's this short but eh I'll try to make the next one longer :] also next one might be in a different writing style)

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