Chapter 3: The Square Nosed Bastard

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My pov:

" How many years has it been since someone was able tell us apart? " the Kiriko on the right said.

" I'm so happy! " The other one said.

Sei asked Kurapika and Leorio if they could tell the Kirikos apart but they didn't.

" Don't you see? The Kiriko that Y/n and I hit is actually the husband! " Gon said happily.

" And... Which one exactly? " Leorio and Kurapika asked in unison.

" Allow us to introduce ourselves " one of the Kirikos said " we are the navigators, our family provides support for the hunter exam! "

" I'm their daughter " the pink haired woman said.

" And I'm their son " the blue haired man said.

" Man, you had us fooled " Leorio said.

" The hunter exam changes location every year, keeps it interesting, it's quite difficult to find it, so we navigators help by guiding applicants to the site " the Kirikos said.

" Oh, so that's how it works " Gon said.

" But don't get the wrong idea " the daughter said " we don't help every candidate "

" First we test them to see if they're qualified to take the exam, making sure they have what it takes " the son added.

" Kurapika-dono "

" Yes? "

" You successfully used the most vague of hints, but you were able to pick up on them to the determine that we weren't a married couple, your only hint were these tattoos " the daughter Kiriko showed her arm to reveal tattoos " which in this region marks a woman as single for life. Kurapika-dono demonstrated that he is very knowledgeable and therefore he passes. " The daughter explained making Kurapika sigh in relief.

" Good for you, Kurapika " I say to him with a smile, making him blush.

" Leorio-dono " the Kiriko son said.

" Yes...? "

" You never realized my true identity, however you dressed my wounds faster and more thoroughly than any doctor would, most importantly you continue to reassure me that my wife would be okay showing sympathy and kindness. " The son said making Leorio blush and feel embarrassed but in a good way.

" Your compassion makes you worthy of taking the exam, so you pass " he finished.

" Really? " Leorio let out a loud sigh in relief and we all congratulate him.

" Gon-dono "

" Yes? "

" Your superhuman physical ability, perception and teamwork with Y/n-dono and Sei-dono makes you more than worthy of taking the Hunter Exam. So you pass " the Kiriko husband said.

I the! congratulated Gon.

" Y/n-dono "

" Yes? " I responded.

" Just like Gon, your superhuman physical ability, perception and teamwork with him and Sei-dono was truly amazing. Not only that, the moment you and your friends saw us, you knew it was an act. and you did a good job of playing along with it, and even though you knew, you didn't tell your friends because you wanted them to be tested and found worthy of taking the Hunter Exam, your excellent judgement and observation has proved you to be more than worthy of taking the Hunter Exam. " The wife Kiriko said.

Gon and I looked at each other with bright smiles and did high-five with each other.

" And finally, Sei-dono " The Kiriko daughter said.

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