"Uh... Jade! There's a ball of fire coming right for us! Tell the driver to speed up or, swerve!"

Coral sat straight up and looked out the window.

"Open the roof door thingy, whatever you call it!" Coral shouted at the driver.

Obediently, the car's roof opened electronically as Coral concentrated, his hands forming a loose circle. I didn't understand what he was doing till I saw the fire starting to swirl, forming a sphere in between his hands. Within seconds, he'd formed a ball of fire matching the one that was coming for us and threw it so the two balls banged into each other. Smoke filled the air and the impact of the hit made all the cars swerve sideways a bit. Tyres screeched and I could hear shouts as cars collided behind us. Within seconds, we burst through the wall of smoke and could see everything clearly again, cruising down the highway as if nothing had happened.

"Crisis averted," Jade stated neutrally.

"Who do you think that was?" Coral whispered to me.

"I don't know, probably just a witch. Maybe it was Xenus," I joked, because of course it wasn't her, she was the most powerful witch in the world.

"Maybe," Coral agreed, his seriousness making me feel unsure, he wasn't usually like that.

It was another ten minutes with Coral texting again when Jade, in the passenger seat in front of me, turned around and made eye contact.

"Don't just sit there listening to your music. Shouldn't you be telling him about what we do as witch-hunters? " She asked me accusingly. Not like it was much of a question anyway.

Before she could answer Coral looked up from his phone. "Oh, nah it's fine. He told me all about the training, food, goals, leaders, yadda, yadda, yadda of witch-hunters. I don't even know if my brain could physically hold more information about it. Also, just for the record, it isn't his music, it's way too good for that."

Jade rolled her eyes and looked down at Coral's phone and put her matter-of-factly voice back on. "Who's that? Your mummy? You know if it's all too hard for you, nobody's stopping you from going back to her now."

I looked down at his phone and realised what Jade was talking about.

"Oh, nah that's my friend Harvey," Coral answered, matching Jade's tone. "He would have been driven to the hospital and had paramedics going crazy today if it wasn't for me. But of course, you wouldn't know about that. All you do is try to make people impressed with you, you don't care about them. If you did you wouldn't be twirling knives in front of their faces or reading their texts and invading their privacy. I mean, do you even know the definition of 'being nice?"

Jade didn't answer, but she was glaring daggers at Coral which might have been intimidating if he wasn't just staring at his phone.

When Jade didn't make a sound Coral shrugged, "Obviously not."

Turns out Coral could imitate voices quite well. He was just about the first person our age that I'd seen get a rise out of Jade. She was two years older than us and always acted superior. Jade went red all over and shot me a dirty look as I laughed silently.

"Shut up, Cammy," with that, she turned around and didn't bother us again.

I looked at Coral and smiled. "Nice, you've got to be the first person I've seen able to get a rise out of Jade." Grimacing, I took out the air pod. "Damn, that's really beginning to hurt my eardrums now."

Coral grinned, taking his one out as well. "You'll get used to it."

"Yeah, also I forgot to remind you. When we get back to Tassie the first practice we'll be doing is a game of crossover. You have to get to the end of the other team's territory and you'll be safe. Except the thing is the whole team has to make it."

Coral nodded. "Oh yeah, I played that in PE. You can't get tagged on the other team's territory or you have to sit down right? And then someone from your team can run over to get to you and you both get a free walk back?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "Except the way we do it you have to knock the other person to the ground instead of tagging them."

"Okay," Coral grinned and punched a fist against his flexed hand, making a quick flame burst from the impact to make it more dramatic. "It's on."

Jade looked back at us. "Guys, we're here. The train's all ready to take us back home, we're just waiting for you."


Cause I've got lots more! >:D

Also if you're a scammer don't even bother trying to scam this I know what you are! <3

Anyways, love you guys and have an awesome day! ^^

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