Soulmates? Part 1

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Y/n's POV-
Monday, great. The sun was shining so bright I felt like I was blind, I slammed my alarm clock but instead it fell off the table. I got up from my bed, stretched a bit before getting ready and eating breakfast. I leave my house and double lock the door and make my way towards my car and start driving to my college.

15 minutes later~

Finally i arrived, I grabbed my bag, locked the car and entered the building. I had a lecture which was in building B and it was going to start in 2 minutes. Omg. I quickly walked and half sprinted but right when I was only a few meters away from the door I bumped into someone.

I looked up and saw the most gorgeous face I ever seen, it was some guy who had the most deepest brown eyes, a sharp jawline, soft brown hair and a really cute smile. I kept staring into his face until he cleared his throat and said, "are you um going to that lecture?" with the most deep and caring voice. His words melted into mush in my mind as I stood there until i realised what i was doing, "oh I am so sorry, yeah im uh going t-to this lecture" i stuttered in pure embarrassment as a stepped back. He smiled "its alright no worries, im new here, Tom Hart, pleasure to meet you" he put his hand out and i shaked it, "damn, his hand is so warm and pretty strong too" I thought. "im y/n, if you want you can sit next to me, the lecture probably started anyways" I said. Tom nodded his head and we went inside and found an entire empty row in the middle so we sat down.

Toms POV-
The lecture was very long, I felt like I was going to fall asleep, I Don't even know what its about. But damn this girl is so gorgeous She's giving me butterflies and everything but I can't let this get in the way, I still have a case and I need to find this stupid drug dealer. I can't even concentrate as I look around the student body however my eyes keep trailing off to y/n, her plump l/c lips, her lush h/c hair and her bright e/c eyes. God help me. Finally the lecture is over and with no success I still haven't spotted a likely suspect, Captain Fuller is definitely wont be impressed. "So what are you doing here at this college?" y/n asks as she adjusts her bag just as we exit the room, "well I'm studying biology at the moment but honestly i Don't really know what I wanna be" I replied but knew this was just for my cover. She nodded her head in understanding, "it's alright you will figure it out soon, I actually wanna be a list your dream job (d/j= dream job)." I smiled at her. "That's nice, oh i actually gotta go" I said as I checked my watch, "I'll see you around then y/n". She smiled brightly, god that smile its amazing, "yeah see you around Tom",we waved at each other goodbye and we parted and walked the opposite ways.


that was so long (the paragraph is big) ik sorry guys, theres gonna be a part 2 but idk when im going to write that, maybe tmr or later today. ANYWAYS HOPE YOU ENJOYED WHAT THERE IS SO FAR! :)

Tom Hanson X Y/n ONESHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang