Part Two

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Perrie's alarm breaks the silence of the apartment, notifying the blonde that it's eight in the morning and time for her to get up so that she can get ready and make it in time for her class at nine. Perrie groans and reaches her arm out, tapping the snooze button on her alarm and burying her face into her pillow. Jade had decided to vacuum the entire apartment last night, which was a first, and made sure to be extra thorough, meaning that she took two whole hours to do so. The brunette hadn't turned the vacuum off until three in the morning, meaning that Perrie had gotten under five hours of sleep.

Ever since their fight on Friday night (it was now Thursday), Jade and Perrie hadn't spoken to each other once, but had still managed to find ways to agitate each other. Their silent war of sorts had led to both girls finding creative ways to get under each other's skin.

Danielle was visiting the apartment with increased frequency, and Perrie was surprised that Jade's vocal chords still functioned properly after all of the insane screaming she had been doing. Perrie, on the other hand, had resorted to taking Jade's things and hiding them in different places in the apartment, most often times in rather obvious places, which frustrated Jade to no end after she would spend half an hour looking for something that was actually underneath her covers or sitting next to the TV.

Jade had also come up with the brilliant idea of taking all of Perrie's pens and pencils and 'accidentally' mixing them into some green Jello that she wanted to make. Perrie's agitated shriek upon discovery of the whereabouts of her writing utensils left a smirk permanently plastered to Jade's face, or at least until later that night when she had climbed into bed and felt the green substance against her legs.

Perrie's alarm buzzed once again, signifying that ten minutes had passed, and the blonde couldn't find any motivation whatsoever to get up. After realizing she hadn't skipped class in over a month, Perrie figured that it couldn't hurt to take one day off and catch up on some sleep, so she quickly shut her alarm off and burrowed underneath her covers, quickly drifting off to sleep.

Roughly two hours later, right around when her second class of the day would have started, Perrie's eyes fluttered open and a small smile formed on her lips; this was the first time she had woken up naturally in weeks. Normally, either her alarm or an obnoxious Jade pulled her out of her sleeping state much earlier than she would have preferred.

After scrolling through her phone for some time, Perrie's stomach rumbled loudly, so the blonde decided it was time to get up and eat a massive bowl of cereal. She threw her covers off of her legs, grabbed a sweatshirt that had been sitting atop a pile of clothes near her bed, pulled the sweatshirt on, and then made her way towards the kitchen quietly, reveling in the peace that normally wasn't associated with the apartment.

Once Perrie reached the kitchen, she noticed that her roommate was still home as well, her voice floating from the living room and barely reaching the kitchen. Perrie stopped in her tracks, slightly puzzled because Jade was talking to someone and she almost sounded...pleasant.

"Yeah mam, I'm really proud of it. I'm usually not that into sculpting, but I think it turned out well," Jade hummed, surprising Perrie with the loving tone that the blonde had never heard before. It was weird to hear Jade sound so genuine and caring after only hearing the brunette sound cold and threatening towards her.

Perrie heard a garbled reply from who she assumed was Jade's mother, putting two and two together and inferring that Jade was probably Skyping with her mum. She wondered if this was something that Jade did often, realizing that she normally wasn't home at this time of the day to know Jade's routine.

"No don't worry," Jade spoke up, pulling Perrie from her thoughts, "on Thursdays I don't have class until three so you're not keeping me from anything."

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