"Have you sat down at all tonight?" Ciarren looked wide-eyed at one of his best friends, face flushed from rushing around the club.

"No sir... People kept needing things..." Ciarren looked down guiltily.

"And are there not others who can do these things? The only thing work-wise you had tonight was the meeting."

"It was just easier..."

"Kneel Reni. You need a break." Ciarren slipped easily onto the floor, instantly relaxing into the practiced position.

At some point during the other group's conversation, Malin had tapped Rhett's thigh twice, signaling the incoming attack. Rhett watched Malin carefully as he rested his head back against the couch, hand still in Shiloh's hair, as he waited for his vision to settle. His fight for consciousness was lost as he slumped into the leather, hand slipping from Shiloh as he went limp. Shiloh instantly looked up in alarm, looking between Malin and Rhett for some type of direction. Every instinct was telling them to take over the situation, to go into guard mode.

"It's okay babydoll. He's fine. He knew it was coming so he should be back in a couple of minutes. Would you be okay going to the bar and getting a glass of water? You can grab a drink for yourself as well, no alcohol."

Shiloh paused, not sure about leaving the prone dominant, but gave into their trust for Rhett. "Yes sir. Would you like anything?"

"If you're comfortable carrying three glasses, then just a cola is fine. Thank you doll." Shiloh grinned as they stood. Having the instruction was decreasing the anxiety they were feeling over Malin being unconscious.

"Ciarren, go with Shiloh. Get a glass of water and come back. When it's gone you can go to the dance floor, but if we catch you working again you'll sit on the couch with no touch for the rest of the night." Ciarren whimpered at the thought, knowing that they would follow through if necessary.

"Yes, sirs."

Ciarren was up in an instant and leading Shiloh toward the bars. Not used to kneeling for so long, Shiloh's legs shook slightly along the way, but the feeling reminded them of the aftermath of a long workout, a feeling Shiloh found comfort in.

"How's everything going so far? Any questions? You three were gone for some time before coming out to the main floor." Shiloh blush brightly as they remembered what they were doing before coming out.

"It's going really well. I haven't talked to anyone yet, but I'm enjoying everything so far. And Yeah... Malin and Rhett got a bit preoccupied."

"Are you sure it was just them?" Shiloh's blush deepened as they pouted playfully at their new friend.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Anyways, uhm questions, if you don't want to answer it okay, really. But, how is sitting on the couch a punishment? I can understand the no touch. Ever since Malin and Rhett took me away from my father, I'm discovering how much I need it."

"I can understand that completely. I find a lot of comfort in kneeling. The more you do it, I wouldn't be surprised if you end up feeling similarly, the way you were nearly napping." Ciarren giggled as Shiloh hip-bumped him in retaliation. "I'm notorious for overworking. Killian and Osiris hate it. That's why they go for the two things they know I love the most. It's for my health too. I get so sidetracked with whatever tasks I forget to take care of myself."

"Oooh okay. I know we talked about hard limits earlier, is there a similar thing like that for punishments?" The pair were just reaching the bar when Shiloh asked the questions.

Since the bartender was dealing with other members, Ciarren took the chance to answer, "Definitely. At some point during training, you'll sit down with Malin and Rhett and go over rules, punishments, and rewards. Punishments are treated just like limits. They can be as specific or as broad as you like. For example, when it comes to punishments I don't mind spankings or being flogged, but whippings are a hard no for me. Public humiliation overall is a no for me."

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