Start from the beginning

They were all led up to Lucas' room where the boy was sat down on his bedroom floor with a crayon in his hands. Grace looked around the room where all sorts of toys, posters and things a kid would own lined the walls and the cabinets. There were so many books on the shelves and she was sure she hadn't read a single one. After Lost Creek, her Uncle had kept to his word and introduced Grace to some of the classic fairy-tale books — including Hansel and Gretel. This was the sort of thing Grace could never have. Being a hunter, always on the road, kind of prevented you from having normal things.

Grace sat on the floor next to Lucas and gave him a friendly smile. "Hi Lucas, it's me again: Grace." The girl then frowned upon spotting even more pictures of the red bicycle, they looked almost identical next to each other. Grace could feel it from where she was sat: the energy they were emitting. "I really liked the picture you gave me. But, uh, we need your help again." Just like last time, Lucas didn't respond so Grace withdrew the Carlton house photo and unfolded it as the boy continued his drawing. "Did you know this was going to happen? Because I didn't and normally I can tell when bad things are going to happen." Still Lucas didn't say a word. "It's okay if you don't want to talk, is there another way you want to speak to me?"

There was no answer from Lucas. Grace let out a sigh as she debated inside her head. Lucas was about her age, so what would make her trust someone? She didn't even look back at her Dad before she began.

"It's okay to be scared, you know. I was really scared once too. It was a few years ago now. I woke up in the woods all alone and I couldn't remember who I was before, and I still don't. But out there, in the cold, it was how I met my Dad. And watching him every day, it taught me how to be brave. So now I do my best to be brave every day, just like him." Unbeknownst to her, Dean's eyes were brimming with tears as he listened to her speak. "And, I may not have known your Dad, but I think he would have wanted you to be brave too." 

Lucas dropped his crayon.

Then the boy turned to Grace and there was a look of understanding shared between the two. They were both just two fractured children exposed to tragedy from a young age, forced to grow up in a terrifying world. Yet, they were completely different. Lucas had lost his Father in tragedy and Grace had gained one, she had no choice in not being normal but he still did. Grace then felt a piece of paper being pressed into her hands and the girl looked down to see a drawing of a small boy and the red bicycle outside of a church.

Nodding gratefully, Grace grinned. "Thank you." She got to her feet and turned around to find her Dad almost crying, her Uncle gaping at her and Andrea staring at her with intrigue. The girl frowned. "What?"

Dean quickly pulled his baby girl into a crushing hug that she wasn't expecting in the slightest. Hearing those words from her mouth had meant so much to him even if he couldn't believe him, because there was no way she had learnt her courage from him. Finally, Dean let go of the grip he had on his daughter before taking her hand in his own. They bade farewell to Andrea and exited the home.

"I..." Sam began, still rather shocked. "I didn't know that was how you met." There were many scenarios Sam had considered concerning how Grace became a Winchester, but that certainly hadn't been one of them.

Dean tore his gaze from his smiling daughter as he turned to his brother. "It's a long story, Sammy."

The man smirked at his family. "Then tell it."


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