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I'm such a coward. I had the perfect opportunity to tell him I am leaving tomorrow but I couldn't do it.

The drive is filled with gentle kisses and caresses until we finally pull up in front of a grand stately home with large windows and a heavy wooden door. There is a grand stone staircase with a red carpet leading from the door down the staircase to the gravel where our car is now sat.

"Wow. Yours doesn't seem so imposing now." I comment as the car stops, and Adam laughs nervously. "Are you ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

I gently squeeze his hand and we exit the car together. I link my arm with his to keep contact in a comforting gesture as we make our way up the carpeted steps towards the front door.

At the front door is a man in a suit with a red tie and black mask. "Bonjour monsieur, do you have your invitation?"

"Oui." Adam confirms, passing the invitation to the man to check.

To his credit, although his eyes widen slightly, he manages to supress his shock at seeing Adam at the event. "Welcome Mr Frost, Miss Dawson. Please enjoy your evening."

We enter the main foyer which has a cream marble floor with matching pillars, light blue walls and white ceiling decals, with two gold chandeliers. There are two open doors in the room, both with a waiter holding a tray of champagne. We make our way to the closest door and are handed a glass of champagne each.

"The auction items are in the grand library for perusal at your leisure."

We walk through to an impressive two storey library with light wood panelling and large windows overlooking the gardens. Easels have been placed in various positions around the room detailing different items available for auction.

We peruse the various items including the expected items such as spa treatments, wine tasting, gym memberships and show tickets but the further around the room we walk the more unique and extravagant the items become including champion horses, a Mercedes, a yacht and a holiday home in the Maldives.

But the area I am most interested in is the collection of art and photographs. Adam patiently waits by my side while I spend the best part of an hour examining each piece carefully. One piece in particular holds my attention; an oil painting of a woman looking lovingly at her partner while he is obliviously reading. Not only is the painting beautifully done from a skill point of view but the emotions the artist has managed to capture is heart-warming, and I can't help my lips curving into a small smile.

"You like this one." Adam comments.

"I love it."

"Why don't you put in a bid? After all this is an auction." He winks.

I look back around the room, watching as the various high society and wealthy individuals mingle amongst the elegant décor and extravagant items. "I can't afford to pay what this is worth. There's no way I'll win."

"But it will be exciting to be part of it." Adam shrugs.

Up above the lights flash, the same way they do at the theatre, and a woman wearing a simple black dress and mask enters the room. "Mesdames et messieurs. Please take your seats. Dinner is about to be served."

Adam passes our empty glasses to a passing waiter before taking my arm, guiding me back into the main foyer to follow the other couples along a glass corridor until we reach the gardens where a grand marque has been set up. As we are about to enter through the fabric doorway, the same woman steps out and holds out her hand to Adam to shake. To my surprise she similarly shakes my hand.

His Frozen Heart Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora