Part 3: The thing in the tower

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A petrified and horror-stricken Yeonjun raced all the way back to the town and to his immediate inner circle, his brother-like friends.

He gasped as he stopped, hunched over with his hands atop of his knees as he desperately tried to obtain air back into his lungs. Today was certainly a day for firsts as tears would leave Yeonjun's eyes and cascade down his face from fear.

"Yeonjun? what's wrong" a male just shorter than yenjun, named Huening kai queried the older of his friends

"more importantly, where have you been all morning? Your clothes and ripped and dirty!" another male asked. Yeonjun looked up to the voice - taehyun. He then looked down at himself. his clothes, indeed were ripped and covered in stains of dirt...but his new shirt! he would worry about it later.

"come on dude, talk. you look like you've seen a ghost" The shortest male, Beomgyu would joke.

"i just did." Yeonjun would let out, the bones inside of him still shaking from fear. The brothers who had come to form a circle around Yeonjun were stunned, jaws dropped.

"not possible!" kai refuted "ghosts don't exist!"

The young blonde could only nod "i thought the same"

"well tell us how" the caring Taehyun butted in, Beomgyu nodded beside him. Yeonjun nodded and took at seat at the edge of a water festure behind him as he began to recount the events of the morning.

"i was out exploring, and i found a forest behind the ghost town we sit in, so i went through it, there was a path and i followed that too and it took me to this bush and there was an opening i crawled through it and found this tower and there it was, at the top, this ghost and it spoke to me!"yeonjun rushed out, Taehyun stood shocked and Beomgyu, who was now sat seemed deep in thought.

"Thats bullshit!" Huening kai interjected. 

" is not!" Yeonjun argued

"then what did this ghost say?" Taehyun questioned, and eyebrow raised as he looked at Yeonjun. Yeonjun thought carefully before speaking

"the ghost.. i-it said im mr. black and as you can see i don't smile or laugh, and i dont exist! or somthing like that!"

"you must have passed out and dreamt it!" huening kai continued ranting "why would a ghost tell you theyre not a live, arent they meant to not know theyre dead or something, Yeonjun you were just dreaming and ghosts aren't even rea-"

"yeonjun im not saying you're lying but this sounds a little like that boo-" Beomgyu added before Yeonjun stopped him in his tracks.

"i know, monsieur black, the tower looks like it too. I can show you" Yeonjun defended. He took a big sigh and began to walk away before stopping. "just- just bring protection just in case. i'll wait here"

Huening kai rolled his eyes, standing still before eventually being dragged by beomgyu.

"i dont believe him either but let's go with just in case. just do as he says" Taehyun mumbled to kai. Kai only nodded as he followed behind.

The boys would return a few moments later. Taehyun adorning a bow and arrow, kept in his holder over his back, Beomgyu with a pistol in his back pocket, still holding onto heuning kai who attempted to flake out a second time, despite being there with a crossbow of his own. They met Yeonjun back at the fountain who nodded in approval and began to lead them back to the tower he was at earlier that day.

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