He took the smoothie from her trembling hands. "She poured crushed contraceptives. She was paid to make sure you didn't get pregnant." Mbuso said flatly. "Who...who paid her." Lindiwe asked between sobs. "My princess I will take care of this don't worry about who did it." Mbuso said. "No, I want to know who it was. Please Mbu." Lindiwe needed to know who was so evil. Was it her husband's enemies? Mbuso stood and got her some water from the fridge to calm her down. "Lindiwe, it is not in my place to tell you who it was. I will tell Vusi and he will decide whether you should know." Mbuso said handing her the bottle of water. "Mbu, if you're not going to tell me, I will go ask Patience myself." Lindiwe said standing from the couch and stomping off. Before she could turn the door handle Mbuso's hands were on her shoulders stopping her. "She was paid by your father." Mbuso said.

Mbuso had never touched Lindiwe and it was weird when he put his hands on her shoulders but the moment he spoke she could understand why he had to hold her. She felt her knees get weak and breathing became difficult. Her father, the man who raised her and forced her to marry the prince was behind her not conceiving. "Why? Why would he do that." Lindiwe fell into two strong arms and cried out for everyone to hear her sorrow. It was a cry of a daughter who had just been hurt by the one man who swore at her birth to never hurt her. She felt like her world was crumbling.

Yes her relationship with her father was difficult after he forced her to get married but before that they were inseparable. A daddy and daughter duo you would envy. "Not my daddy. Please Mbu it can't be him she is lying." Lindiwe was on her knees on the ground crying and Mbuso held her to his chest. "I am sorry Lindiwe. I am so sorry." Mbuso knew that when this got to Vusi he would be ordered to teach the old man a lesson and he would enjoy making him pay dearly for every tear falling down Lindiwe's face.

"So her father is behind this?" Vusi asked for the third time. It was hard for him to believe that a father would be so evil. Lindiwe's father changed sides and he had tried to convince Lindiwe to leave Vusi but Lindiwe stopped taking his phone calls. He went to far and he had to be dealt with "Mbuso you know what to do." Vusi said looking at his dear friend and assassin. "I do." Mbuso said walking out of he study.

"Mbu!" Lindiwe was knocking at his door again. This woman had no idea what he did to him. He had almost lost his mind when she was crying. He wanted to leave then and there to kill the man that took away her beautiful smile. She was growing on him and he hated it but he couldn't help the pulled she had on him.

"Lindiwe." Mbuso said when he opened the door. "Don't hurt him." Lindiwe said blocking the door way. "I know Vusi ordered you. Please Mbu, he is my daddy." Lindiwe said with fresh tears. "I will not kill him. I promise." Mbuso was going to beat him to an inch of his life but he was not going to kill him. "No, please Mbu. He hurt me and I will deal with him myself." Lindiwe was more calm now.

"Speak to Vusi." Mbuso said finally after looking into her eyes for a while. He has never disobeyed an order from Vusi but this short woman was making him think twice. "He won't listen. He keeps saying he is doing it for me! What the fuck does that even mean! He is my dad, mine. Please Mbu." Lindiwe said with pleading eyes. "I am sorry Lindiwe it must be done." Mbuso picked up his back from the couch and gently pushed her out of his way. He had to teach that old man a lesson. His hands had been itching since he found out who made her cry and in a few hours he would have the fools throat in his hand.

"Vusi please call him and stop him." Lindiwe was like a broken record. She had been pleading with Vusi from the moment Mbuso left. Yes, what he did was wrong but he was still her father. "Vusi please, if you love me please. She pleaded again. "Lindiwe I do love you that is why this message must be sent. This is a warning to anyone thinking of harming you." Vusi was already in bed waiting for her but Lindiwe couldn't even think of sleeping when Mbuso was sent to harm her father.

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