An heir

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"Lindiwe!" Gogo Ntuli called for her again. She had been serving this old woman the whole morning. She only wanted to give her more work. Lindiwe made her way to the kitchen which was filled with servants but the old witch wanted to give their work. Lindiwe was sick of it and she was quickly losing her temper. "Yebo, gogo." She said as politely as she could master up. "Hello my dear, could you please re-wash the cutlery. You didn't wash them clean." Gogo Ntuli said while placing them in the kitchen sink again. Lindiwe took a deep breath in and reminded herself that beating an old woman was, so illegal. Even though the old woman in question deserved being drop kicked. "Yebo gogo." Lindiwe said with a fake smile. Vusi better make this up to her she had been texting him all the mistreatment she had to endure from his old witch.

"I am going to beat the dentures out of this woman's mouth." The first text read from his wife.

"She is making me clean intestines!" the second test read.

"I have to change my dress according to your granny because it is too tight fitting. What the hell did she think a bodycon dress does?? I am going to fight her! You better get here now!" The last text read.

He wanted to go rescue her but he had problems of his own. He was surrounded by traitors. The chiefs of the land were all present and pretending to be on the side of his father. Vusi and his father knew better than to trust this pack of hyenas. The traditional beer had them jollier than usual and Vusi was just irritated. He had to hold his temper back cause they did not know that among them sat a Judas, who already told the king their plans. Vusi sat and received the blessings from each chief and listen to the old men giving him advice about marriage. It made Vusi chuckle thinking that most of these men were on their second marriage but wanted to give him advice. He knew they were all two faced but he needed them to be enthroned after that they were all gone.

"Lindiwe come here." the old witch called her again. "Yebo, gogo." Lindiwe said as she got off the bed and walked to the door. As soon as she stepped out of the room Gogo Ntuli was there looking very displeased. Lindiwe had snuck away to take a nap. She had been on her feet for hours and she was just exhausted. "Is this how your mother raised you?" She said "You are here sleeping while there are people to serve? How lazy are you Lindiwe? I gave you simple things to do because of those impractical nails you have on but you still failed at that? I need to speak to my brother about you. What a disgrace to my brothers name!" Gogo Ntuli yelled. "Which Makoti do you know who sleeps during the day at her in-laws?" Gogo Ntuli said with her hand on her hip. "My Makoti." Vusi said walking to the two women. He looked very upset clearly he heard everything the old woman was saying.  He put his arm around Lindiwe and kissed her cheek. "Gogo, can you please leave us." Vusi said sternly. Gogo Ntuli looked at Lindiwe with hatefulness and turned to walk away.

"I swear your gogo is a witch." Lindiwe said when she finally took a seat. Vusi chuckled at her remark. "Were you really planning to fighting her?" Vusi said with the most vibrant smile. "Yeah, I was going to drop kick her." Lindiwe said laughing. Vusi sat on the couch opposite her and motioned for her to join him on his couch. She quickly got off her seat and went to sit on her mans lap. He put his strong arms around her and held her for a while. "I am sorry you had to endure all that abuse. I will put her in her place once I leave here." It was like he was recharging himself with her love. Her softness and jovial energy took away the weight of the day. Vusi didn't notice how drained he felt until he held her close. She was his safe space where he could drop his walls and be himself. He didn't want to break this amazing feeling but she needed to know what the chiefs agreed upon. He only found out today while his father kept trying to change their minds for months. The poor king had failed and he looked so distraught when the chiefs told Vusi the ultimatum.

"They want an heir before they can make me king." Vusi said casually. "They want what?" Lindiwe yelled. Her reaction was like a slap to the face. Vusi was not ready for kids either but her body language was like she was rejecting him altogether. She got off his lap and moved a distance away as if the conversation would knock her up. "We are married Lindi it's only natural we have a child." Vusi said sitting back in the chair trying to act unbothered by her actions. "I am not ready Vusi. I wanna travel, and actually use my degree." Lindiwe said half hysterical. "The kingdom comes first Lindiwe." Vusi said sounding frustrated. "Maybe to you but, I come first to me." Lindiwe said putting her foot down. "Okay." Vusi stood up and walked out the room. What in the world just happened his wife did not want to have a child with him. When they gave the ultimate to Vusi. Yes it was unthinkable but it was still possible cause he had a wife but now he just realised the ultimatum was more of a challenge than he had deemed it to be.

Vusi was not angry with Lindiwe he was more frustrated than angry. These old men wanted to dethrone him by putting this stupid ultimatum. As soon as he was king he was getting ride of all these fools. Lindiwe was upset with him thinking he wants a child? No he also had dreams and goals but this whole throne thing has taken over his life. If Sifiso became king he is going to sell the land to the government something Vusi would never do. He was fighting for his people more than the throne and right now only an heir could fix the problem. How does he explain this to Lindiwe?

She waited for him to came back but he didn't. She eventually got dressed up and went to the party. She was on the hunt for her husband so they could talk. She was sure they could reach a deal about this whole heir situation. People were dancing and drinking. The party was a great success but Lindiwe was feeling sad. She never meant to hurt Vusi's feelings but she really was not ready to be a mother. She eventually gave up her search for Vusi and went to the bar. Maybe a drink would help her calm down her nerves. She sat down at the bar and ordered a cocktail. Looking around at all the unfamiliar faces. "If he can't produce an heir the throne will go to his eldest Sisters husband." The older women gossiped. Lindiwe was shamelessly eavesdropping on their conversation. The throne was in jeopardy. "Vusi is not ready to be king." One woman said "but he is better than Sifiso." The woman also said. What in world was happening in this kingdom.

"Nomathemba." Lindiwe whispered as she got close to her. She needed the tea on this whole situation. She had to know what was happening with the throne. "Lindiwe?" Noma said as she arrived at the corner. "Ok, what's this about your husband trying to take the throne?" Lindiwe was direct. She didn't have time to beat around the bush. Noma inhaled deeply and her eyes filled with tears. "Sifiso married me with the intention to steal the throne from my family. He has convinced a few of the elders that my family is too soft to keep the throne. He almost got the Throne when Vusi was in the USA and dad was sick. Luckily my mother called Vusi to rush home. He hates my family, Lindiwe." Noma sobbed. "The leaders are using the heir thing to kick Vusi off the throne. If he doesn't produce and heir before I do, they will crown Sifiso." Noma cried so much that her eyes looked puffy by the time Lindiwe had calmed her down. "I need you to promise me that you will give Vusi an heir." Noma asked looking at Lindiwe with eyes that looked for hope. Lindiwe didn't want to lie to her friend. "Noma, I am not ready." Lindiwe said softly. Noma sat on the ground and sobbed like a child denied their favourite snack. "Lindiwe, my brother will never let that throne go without a fight.  I don't care about the stupid throne I just don't want my brother to die." Noma said through sobs. Lindiwe finally understood the pain in Noma's eyes. She knew her husband and she knew to what lengths he was willing to go to get the throne. "Noma if Sifiso hates your family so much does he..." Lindiwe asked . Noma shook her head and wiped her tears. "Sifiso may hate my family but he loves me. He has never hurt me and he adores me so much. The only time he gets upset is when I visit home. I have to wait for him to go on a business trip to come home. I don't want to hurt him, Lindiwe. I love him and he loves me so much. His family my treat me badly but that man has been nothing but amazing to me ." Noma said lovingly. "Please don't make my husband kill my brother over a title." Noma said holding Lindiwe's hands in hers. Lindiwe pulled Noma into a hug and held her. Trying to take some of the sorrow in her heart.

"Lindiwe?" Vusi finally made his way to their room. He was with some of his cousins and after their misunderstanding he needed to calm down. He would never force her to have a child but she didn't know what was on the line. He would allow her to go to school and travel, all he desperately needed now was an heir to stop a war. He sat on his bed and looked at the door. Lindiwe was still not aware of a lot of secrets. His family had a reputation for a reason and he had considered killing Sifiso many times but his sister would break if he did. He took out his phone to call Lindiwe but before he could dial she walked in. She was so beautiful that Vusi was astonished that she was his wife. She had an hour glass figure and curves. Her features were more from her moms side. The dimples and full lips. Vusi could not hold himself he got up and kissed her. She was so soft under his touch. She was the perfect fit for him, he loved his women thick and his wife was his dream come true.

He kissed her until they fell on the bed. He didn't care at the moment about the heir and titles, he just hungered for his wife. "Vusi wait, hold on." Lindiwe said. Vusi stopped in his tracks and looked at her. "I need you to make me a promise." Lindiwe said. "Can it wait until we are done?" Vusi asked kissing Lindiwe's neck. "No, now Vusi." Lindiwe said sternly. "Ok love." Vusi said rolling off her to sit on the bed. "What do you want me to promise?" Vusi said. "That you will be here for me and the baby. You won't put your life at risk over foolish things. I am not going to be a single mom." Lindiwe said pointing a finger at Vusi. Vusi burst out in laughter he rolled back on Lindiwe and kissed her cheeks. "As long as I am alive I will never leave your side my queen." He said as he took off her dress. "Let's make an heir." Vusi said as he sucked on her breast.

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