Taking back

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Mbuso had looking for Nomsa the whole morning. He had to apologise for last night but she was nowhere to be found. He was starting to get worried when one of the guards said Nomsa was with Vusi.

Mbuso made his way to the study and there they were sitting and talking. Was she telling Vusi about what he did last night? Mbuso couldn't help but worry. Mbuso knew that Vusi's sisters were off limits to him as per Vusi. No matter how close they were Vusi wouldn't hesitate to kill him for nearly messing around with his sister.

"Mbuso finally, come in bafo." Vusi said standing up from his chair. Mbuso walked in slowly ready for anything. Vusi was well know for not showing emotions when he was seething. The man would be a calm as a bright sunny day and out of nowhere he would put a bullet in someone head.

He was an emotionless fool until Lindiwe came into his life. He was more human around Lindiwe. "Nomsa was just telling me about the guards rotation. I wanted to make sure our spy was telling me the truth. We can attack the palace tonight according to all the intelligence we have gathered." Vusi said pointing to the map on the table.

"Excuse me." Nomsa said and shuffled out of the study. She avoided eye contact with Mbuso the whole time. "I am sorry, Nomsa." Mbuso whispered when she walked pass him. She didn't even respond just continued walking.

"Tonight we attack!" Vusi said looking at Mbuso with blood thirsty eyes. "We take back what the enemy has stolen from us! We show them that we fear absolutely nothing! We are Zulu warriors!" Vusi said pounding on his chest. Mbuso smiled and joined in, chanting out loud that they were Zulu warriors and feared nothing.

Lindiwe felt groggy and confused. She went to bed feeling just fine but now her whole body was heavy and her head felt like it was hit by a truck. "Lindiwe are you okay?" Noma asked concerned. "Noma?" Lindiwe asked with a hoarse voice. "Yes, they brought you last night. You father drugged you and brought you to the palace to be used as a pawn in this stupid war."

Lindiwe was not even shocked by the revelation. Her snake of a father had betrayed her. Lindiwe slowly got off the bed and looked around. She was in their bedroom at the palace. "Your husband is an animal Noma!" Lindiwe said out of rage. "I know and I want to stop him as bad as you do." Noma said sympathetically. "Noma please summon Gugu. We need her help if we are going to take this place back." Lindiwe said. She had a plan to get things moving. "Lindiwe, no matter what happens today please don't hurt my husband." Noma pleaded. "I will try my best Noma." Lindiwe said with a faint smile.

Noma summon Gugu and Lindiwe instructed her on what must be done. She was organising a full on revolt against the soon to be king. Sifiso and her father under estimated the strength and influence of a queen. Lindiwe was loved by most the maidens and guards in the place and seeing her suffer had made them seeth with wrath. The plan was in motion. She was going to take back her husbands throne by any means necessary.

"Nomsa we are leaving now. Don't open the door for anyone and if we don't return you go to Europe to your aunt." Mbuso saidZ "I am not an idiot Mbuso." Nomsa said looking at her fingers. "Please look at me Nomsa." Mbuso said sitting next to her on the couch. "Why?" Nomsa asked in a whisper. "I am so sorry for kissing you?" Mbuso said apologetically.

Nomsa lifted her tears filled eyes "that hurts more than anything in the world. You regret kissing me." Nomsa said standing to leave. "No, I don't regret kissing you. I regret the motive behind it." Mbuso said trying to avoid hurting Nomsa's feelings.

"That's even worse." Nomsa said walking away. Mbuso grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug. "I don't want to hurt you." Mbuso whispered more to himself than to Nomsa. "Leave me alone Mbuso." Nomsa said wiggling out of the hug.

When the tears streamed down her sweet cheeks Mbuso panicked. He pulled her in for a kiss to stop the pain he saw in her eyes. Nomsa returned the kiss and hooked her arms around his neck. Mbuso didn't intend to kiss her. He really didn't feel that way about Nomsa but pulling back now would crush her. Mbuso slowly ended the kiss and look at Nomsa's glee filled eyes. She was excited and blushing like a schoolgirl. What the fuck did he just do.

Mbuso felt like kicking himself ok the butt. He just made the situation ten times worse. What did he just do? "Uhm, we need to talk when I get back." Mbuso said unhooking Nomsa's arms gently. "Okay, babe." Nomsa said with a huge smile. "Okay, bye." Mbuso said and rushed away before he fucked up even more.

"Mbuso are you ready?" Vusi asked from his position . They were covered by the shield of darkness. This was it he had to take back what belonged to him tonight. "Yeah, we are ready." Mbuso said. "Now!" Vusi said sprinting to the back door of the building were the coronation would take place. Sifiso was going to get crowned tonight cause the idiot had told the whole world his wife was with child. The only thing that was standing between him and the throne, royal blood.

The front doors bluster open and teargas cans were thrown inside. Women started screaming and people were running for the exits. "Guards! Attack!" Sifiso yelled. The guards ran head on with the men who came to take back the place. The sound of gunshots filled the room. Guns were prohibited at the place unless you were at the main gate but Sifiso never followed culture.

Mbuso had already disarmed the guards and taken back the entrance to the palace. The guards did not put up much of a fight, they wanted the palace to go back to the rightful owner. "The main gate is clear! We are making our way there!" Mbuso said. "Sifiso is running to the main house I am going after him!" Vusi said running.

"Okay! Ladies now! The main house was being taken back by the women who join forces with Lindiwe. Pots and pans hit the heads of guards. They were kicking and screaming at the same time. Every women was fighting for their freedom and king. "We taking back what belongs to us!" Lindiwe screamed kicking a guard in the groin.

She was exhausted from the fight but she kept at it. They waited for most of the guards to go to the ceremony and as soon as they did it was on. "Amandla!" Lindiwe yelled.

When the battles started Sifiso called the mayor for help but the mayor said he didn't want to be involved in tribal affairs. He didn't want the blood of rural people to taint us campaign for presidency.

Sifiso didn't have enough guards that were on his side and majority of the chiefs turned they backs on him when they heard the mayor was out. He was loosing his seat and he had to escape to regroup. He knew they would never hurt his wife but he couldn't leave without her. He could leave without his son.

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