Chapter 8

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"Guys do you really think ignoring Dream is the best idea" Techno asked.
"Yes it is"Sapnap said harshly.
"Sapnap stop"Quackity said rubbing his face.
"He didn't deserve this is not even his fucking fault it was Schlatt all along" Quackity suddenly spoke.
"Still he went along with " Sapnap snapped.
"Sapnap he didn't know what was going on during time he was asleep"George chimed in.
Sapnap sat down and crossed his arms over his chest.
"Have any of you check your phones since we left?" Punz asked.
Everyone shook their head no.
Karl was first one to pull his phone out and check his messages.
"Damn we really did hurt him"Karl said looking throw his message.
Wilbur Techno and Quackity are first one to leave and go back to mansion to check out on Dream.
By time it was 7am In morning Dream was making coffee for himself.
When he heard front doors open.
"Darling?"Quackity called out.
Dream came out do the kitchen immediately and froze.
'Hey sweetheart'' Techno said waving at Dream.
Dream stared at them before running to Techno and hugging him tightly .
Techno smiled and hugged Dream back kissing his forehead.
"Im sorry"Dream said tears forming.
"Oh darling this isn't your fault is our"Wilbur said looking at Dream.
"It is I made you mad by being with Schlatt"Dream explained.
"No don't you dare blame yourself okay this isn't your fault understood"Wilbur said getting nod from Dream.
Dream sighed and clung himself on Techno watching to get picked up.
Techno smiled and picked Dream up.
Quackity looked at Dream and gave him a soft smile.
"Are rest mad at me still?"Dream asked.
"They are bit stubborn they will come to their senses in few days don't worry amor"Quackity said reassuring.
Dream nodded and leaned his head on Techno's shoulder.
"Umm are you gonna clingy on me now huh?"Techno asked.
"Shut up"Dream shot back shutting Techno up immediately.
"Well techno you have him for the day "Wilbur said chuckling.
Quackity and Wilbur smirked at each other and winked at Techno.
"Oh fuck you both"Techno said as two walked in directions of kitchen.
Techno sighed and looked at Dream.
"I'm your problem bestie"Dream said giggling.
"I ain't your bestie Teletubbie "Techno said carrying Dream up in room.
"Ugh I hate that nickname"Dream said getting thrown on bed.
Techno flopped on top of him after taking off his cape.
"Too bad sunshine I will call you that from now on" Techno said snuggling into Dream's chest.
"I don't want to go back to sleep I slept all night"Dream whined like a brat.
"Well I'm tired from dealing with idiots all night and day so I need a good sleep with my pillow here"Techno said getting scoffed in return.
And indeed Techno did fall asleep while Dream played with his hair braiding it.
He was happy that at least 3 of them are back and that they are with him for the rest they need some time to accept the fact.
Dream's thoughts were interrupted by doors opening.
"Oh looks like Techno got you trapped"Wilbur said looking at Techno snoring on Dream's chest.
"Yeah he's actually heavy as fuck"Dream said grunting.
"Oh well at least he took a nap after few days of not sleeping and just worrying about you"Wilbur said sitting next to Dream.
"Aww poor Techno I didn't knew"Dream commented.
"Hey don't worry Dream the rest will come around eventually for now is 3 will stay with you"Wilbur said kissing Dream's cheek.
Dream nodded reassuring.
"Me and Quackity will be downstairs whenever beast gets up come down okay"Wilbur said before exiting room.
Dream looked at doors closing.
He grabbed the tv remote and turn on some movie to watch while Techno slept on him peacefully.
Dream have been stuck in same position for last hour and a half and he got cramps in his legs and waist.
He wondered how the fuck can Techno sleep in this position honestly is quite hard to sleep in that position for more than and hour.
Dream was about to kick Techno right in stomach to get him off but decided he will most likely get his ass beat by Techno.
Techno stirred in his sleep giving Dream some hope but he continued snoring.
"Techno for love of god you heavy ass pig need to move a bit"Dream mumble under his breath trying to push Techno lightly to reposition himself.
But no Techno tightly hugged Dream waist.
Dream gave up and sat there for god knows how long  until Techno get his ass up.

Sorry for not updating I was busy with school and didn't have much time but I'll try to update whenever I can. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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