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Up on the rooftop

hat's where he flies
Down by the shore
That's where he tries

Near the store
That's where he fights
Not asking for more
Out almost every night
Not enjoying the sights

Up on the rooftop
That's where he flies
Protecting all eyes"

"Now why did you write this poem Mr.Hotaka" the news lady asks.

"This vigilante isnt just a vigilante he is a hero to many and this poem dosnt give him even half the credit" the man responds.

"He is still a vigilante, he could be harmful to this city, so why write a poem about him, let alone why would it get famous" the news lady asks.

"The vigilante is a true hero, he risks his life every day just to save others and he isn't doing it for the public attention" the man states.

"That doesn't answer my question Mr.Hotaka" the news lady says crossing her legs under the table.

"I wrote this poem for a vigilante who saved my daughter life, and many others, he isn't just some vigilante, he is a hero" the man says standing his ground.

"A hero has a license and does things legally, this vigilante is nothing but a low life" the news lady says.

"No he is not a low life, he is someone who goes out every night just to save others, he is someone who puts his life on the line to protect this city" the man says crossing his arms.

"Now lets not argue, the vigilante is neither a hero nore villain" another news lady says coming on screen.

267 words- actual chapters will be between 1000-2000 words maybe more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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