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This is a vigilante Izuku/Deku fanfic.

This is an AU where UA is a college and you cant get a heros license's untill your 24 years old. Only half the people who make it in to the school graduate and only half that graduate actually become a hero. Only 1/15th of the ones who become heros actually make a name for themselves.

All the characters are aged up to 19-21 years old, meaning there in there first year of UA. Well the summer before the first year the have not yet gone through the entry phase. The school takes 19 year olds and up, meaning that most get a year or two off from school

Bakugo still bullied izuku untill highschool when izuku dropped out. Durning what was ment to be his senior year in high school he took online classes and completed high school and college in less than 2 years.

 Durning what was ment to be his senior year in high school he took online classes and completed high school and college in less than 2 years

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This is what i imagine izuku's suit to look like, now you can change whatever you want about it in your mind if you want.

The hood is made of a very thin but strong flexible metal and his clothes are lined with the same metal. He mainly uses a bow to knocked people out with a custom-made Arrow he made, it has a blunt end that will hit the back of the head and just knock the person out.

In this AU mina is black, her skin is still pink just darker and she has black hair and black features

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In this AU mina is black, her skin is still pink just darker and she has black hair and black features.
(I adjusted her skin color that's why its so horrible)

VergoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora