Back To Baker Street...

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All three schools were bidding farewell to each other, Fleur and her sister gave Harry a thank you kiss and Fleur tried to kiss Y/N on the cheek but Y/N backed away and pointed to Wednesday who looked at her with a proud but possessive smirk.

"Au Revoir, Y/N. (Bye, Y/N.)" Fleur said as Y/N smiled at the exchange between Wednesday and Fleur.

"Au Revoir, Dame Delacour. (Bye, Lady Delacour.)" Y/N said as she walked away after wishing Wednesday luck in French.

Later, after all of the other schools had left, the quintet gathered and just had a talk.

"Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Ron asked as Y/N chuckled.

"No, where would the fun be in that?" Y/N remarked as smiled.

"I didn't think so. Oh, well. Like you said Y/N, where would the fun be in that?" Ron said as he and Harry chuckled and went to walk off, Y/N went to walk with them but he felt Wednesday let go of his hand, they turned to see her stood there looking pensive.

"Everything's going to change now, isn't it?" Hermione asked as Enola walked up to her, she looked at the floor, Enola used her left index finger and hooked it under her chin slightly before lifting her head up to face her.

"A lot's going to change, but I know a few things that won't. Besides, change isn't always bad." Enola said as Hermione smiled at her and kissed her, they both turned to see Harry and Ron with wide smiles on their faces watching attentively, Y/N was smiling proudly at Enola while his index finger was being held by Wednesday.

Y/N looked at the other two boy's who had noticed the hand holding between Y/N and Wednesday.

"Fuck of you two." Y/N remarked, making Harry and Ron start laughing as they walked away to give Y/N and Wednesday some privacy. Hermione made them both promise to write to her and Y/N.

"So, back to Baker Street?" Wednesday said as Y/N smiled.

"I hope so, it would be dull without something to work on, why?"

"Well, I'm going to be working with your fathers friend Molly, she's training me in officially becoming a doctor. She said she can work it all out so that it's official but I need to train with her for a while, I'm living with you still, just, I won't be available for a lot of the holidays." Wednesday said as Y/N nodded.

Y/N walked up next to Enola who was staring out at the sunset, the rest of the Quintet backing off to let Y/N talk to his sister.

"Lovely view, isn't it?" Enola asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yes. Wonderful. So, any plans this summer?" Y/N asked as Enola smiled.

"I have a few cases of my own, Hermione's helping me with them, like a missing aristocrat."

"The Tewksbury case?"

"Yes, you've heard about it?" Enola said as Y/N nodded.

"Yes, seemed like it was more up your alley." Y/N said as Enola looked at him.


"Well, you did once persuade a man to swap clothes with you for fifty quid just so you could sneak in somewhere once." Y/N said as Enola chuckled.

"Yes, not my finest hour."

"No, but it was a "you move". You're far more in touch with people than I am." Y/N said as Enola smiled. She looked at her brother before speaking.

"For the record, cause I know you had your doubts...I think you were a pretty good father figure. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're right to have done-"

"I know."

"But as far as being a parental figure, raising me to be the best I can did pretty good." Enola said as Y/N smiled at her.

"Thank you." Y/N said as Enola looked at him. "I want you to know, that, even if you decide you still hate me...I'm always gonna be there for you, I'll always have your back."

"I know." Enola said as she sighed and hugged her brother.

"Now go on, I'm sure Hermione wants to talk to you."

"I'm sure you and Wednesday have a few things to talk about." Enola said as she left with a smile.

Y/N chuckled to himself before looking back at the scenery and seeing the Beauxbatons carriage, Y/N saw Fleur leaning out of the window, waving at him, he waved back and put his hand in his pocket to look for his pipe when he felt something, he pulled his hand out of his pocket and saw Fleurs handkerchief, he thought to himself. He remembered giving it back to her and that's when it hit him.

"When she leaned in for the kiss." Y/N thought to himself as he began chuckling, walking back inside to join his friends in finishing off their packing for home.

End of Year 4: The Goblet of Fire.

Y/N, Wednesday, and Harry will return in Year 4: Summer Holiday Cases.

Moriarty was stood in the clocktower, looking out through the stained glass clockface, watching Y/N, the boy took after his father in more than the looks, he had successfully foiled Moriarty's plans.

"And the game has begun, Mr Holmes. Let us hope you are as good as I think you to be." Moriarty muttered to himself as he watched Y/N before walking away from his vantage point, going back to work...

Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wednesday Addams x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now