The Graveyard (1/2)...

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Wednesday and the three boys found themselves in a graveyard, with Harry recognizing it instantly, the sight alone knocked the sheer dread into Harry.

"You okay?" Cedric asked as Y/N nodded.

"Yeah, you?" Harry answered.

"Where are we?" Cedric asked as Y/N turned to look at him.

"Me and Harry have been here before." Y/N remarked as Cedric approached the cup. Y/N picked up a bone and snapped it, making it into a shiv.

"What's that for?" Harry asked.

"I'm going out same way I came in, screaming and kicking." Y/N remarked.

"Y/N if this is what I think it is, Voldemort might as well be the incarnation of Death, last I checked you can't whack Death on the head." Harry said as Y/N looked to him with his eyebrows raised.

"You should know, my family and death are old friends." Y/N said as he looked at Harry. 

"It's a Portkey. Harry, Y/N, Wednesday, the cup is a Portkey."

"We've been here a dream." Harry said as he found a tomb stone with Tom Riddle's name on it. "We have to get back to the cup. Now!"

"What are you talking about?" Cedric asked as they heard a door creak open. They turned and saw him, Wormtail, a cauldron appeared with a fire underneath it and Harry fell to the floor in pain holding his scar. "Harry! What is it?"

"Get back to the cup! Ah!" Y/N looked from Harry to Wormtail and saw him holding a horrifyingly ugly baby.

"Who are you, what do you want?!" Cedric said as he pointed his wand at Wormtail.

"Kill the spare." the baby ordered.

"Avada Kedavra!" Wormtail cast, Y/N tackled Cedric out of the way and looked at Wormtail.

"I assume your master helped you escape." Y/N remarked, looking to who he assumed was Voldemort when he said the last word. "Cedric, do as I say, and run, don't stop until you are back at Hogwarts, go, now!"

Cedric went to protest but Y/N didn't give him a choice, he used his wand to send the cup into Cedrics hand, sending him back to hogwarts while also casting a charm for the cup to return to the graveyard when Cedric let go.

Wormtail in turn used his wand to put Y/N and Harry in blinding pain as he lifted Harry up and pinned him against a statue of the grim reaper while Y/N was pinned to the ground. Wednesday went to attack Wormtail but a spell flew from his wand and sent her flying into a gravestone.

"Do it! Now!" Voldemort said as Wormtail turned to the cauldron and dropped Voldemort into it.

"Bone, of the father, unwillingly given." Wormtail said as he used his wand to pick up a bone from a grave and deposit it into the cauldron. "Flesh of the servant...willingly sacrificed."

Wormtail cut his own hand off.

"Blood of the enemies...forcibly taken." Wormtail said as he cut Y/N's arm and then Harry's, dribbling the blood into the cauldron, he cut some of Wednesday's hair from her head, Y/N fought against his restrainsts.

"Get away from her you swine!"

"The Dark Lord shall rise...again."

Harry began screaming as Y/N was forced to watch his best friend endure agony while Lord Voldemort was reborn from the cauldron. It was him, Voldemort, a bald pale humanoid with no nose, a detail that Y/N found hilarious, he could be reborn and he chooses to be born looking like he did. Y/N was speechless apart from four words.

Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wednesday Addams x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now