In your arms.

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  "MOMMY! BEN'S HERE!" Tuck yelled from the living room

"Um okay here I come!" Miranda yelled back walking down the stairs

"Hey Ben?"

"Hey wanna go to breakfast?" Ben asked sheepishly

"YES PLEASE!" tuck squealed

"yea of course I'll be ready in like 45 minutes to an hour so get comfy." Miranda said in her sleepy voice

"Ben do you wanna see my cars? I took cware of them and I got new ones!"

"of course I do Tuck let's go to your room." Ben answered picking him up on his shoulders

"my beautiful boys." Miranda said hurrying off to the shower

*an hour later*

"Okay now I'm ready to go!" Miranda yelled running into the living room.

"you" Ben gawked

"thank you Benjamin." she said looking into his beautiful brown eyes

"You look pretty mommy!!" Tuck smiled at her

"thanks you mommy's big boy!"

"how did you know I ended up being off today?"

"Made some calls with some people I know."

"I am going to get Webber."

"no you are not because you are going to be so distracted by me that you won't even have time to think about that. now lets go" he said opening the door for her and tuck.

"you are arrogant. but I like it."

"just like?"


"oh cause I thought it was ohh Ben I lovee youu." he whispered in her ear marking her

"whatever!" she laughed opening her car and getting in

"out." Ben said seriously.

"come on tuck baby." Miranda said angrily unbuckling her seat belt and watching Ben get out the car.

by the time she had opened the door and got out Ben was on her side waiting for her. she slammed the door and began to walk away when Ben stood in front of her. he picked her up turned her around and opened her door.

"now you can get in."

"Benjamin Jason Warren. you did all that just to open a door?!"

"yes now get in so we can go. I'm STARVING!"

Miranda did what he said and got back in the car making tuck erupt with laughter.

"and what's so funny mister?" Ben said hopping in the car

"m-mommy was soo mad! and then she got back in because she lovess you."

"is that so mommy?" Ben said looking at Miranda.

"Yea." Miranda blushed

"Thanks for looking out little man." Ben laughed bumping tucks fist

Ben and Miranda started to talk about their future together again.

"So about this little girl we were supposed to keep talking about."

"Yea what was I saying?"

"Her eyes."

"Oh yea i think she would have these big brown adorable eyes that we would never be able to say not to and she would have long brown curly hair like Maddie's." Miranda smiled

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