come back to me?

256 7 8

It had been weeks since the two had talked or even seen each other. Ben was even getting a guy named Pierre coffee to stay out of Bailey's surgeries. Miranda had been involved with a nurse named Eli but she couldn't see a future with him. ever. Not like she did with Ben, but she couldn't go back to him now after she had broken his heart to maybe fix her. "Mandy  I don't like Eli at all!" Callie whined into Miranda's ear during rounds. 

"good thing you don't have to date him then huh?" Miranda replied  in a smart ass tone.

"Whatever I just think Ben was your soulmate." Callie whined again

"girl- It didn't work out! We both agreed on it."  Miranda stated walking towards the cafeteria.

"No Mandy you decided and he agreed because he was heartbroken." Callie mumbled under her breath but loud enough for Miranda to hear.

Miranda rolled her eyes and sat down at her favorite table and began to eat. Callie and her talked for a while about her and Arizona. Miranda was so proud of Callie for being her truest self.

"well I have to drop tuck off to his dad tonight... I have a nurse's appointment." Miranda said smirking.

"I don't wanna hear about your dirty appointments! well not with Eli at least."

"Okay Okay! I have to go get tuck and then go back to the house and get his suitcase. talk to you later TE AMO!" Miranda shouted walking out the cafeteria to the lockers. 

Miranda hurried to put on her normal clothes but in the middle of getting  ready she got paged to a hallway. When she got to the hallway she found Eli yelling at a resident.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!?! you cant do a simple epidural?!? Are you slow?!? how did you even pass your intern test?" Then she saw Ben run up.

"Where do you get off being an asshole and yelling at my resident?"

"Well when all you have is slow interns and attending's you can't do much about it!" 

" I advise you shut your damn mouth while you're ahead."  Ben snapped pointing his finger in his face

"you can't even keep a relationship." 

"Eli don't-" Miranda started. he held his hands up in surrender but as he was walking away he said "but whose name is Miranda moaning to night Benny boy?"

Before he knew it Ben was on top of him punching him in his face over and over.

"DAMN IT BENJAMIN!" Miranda ran up to him and as soon as she grabbed his arm he stopped and looked up at her.

"Okay Okay.....I'm done anyways."  he said backing up and walking down the hallway towards Richard's  office.

When Eli got up off the ground Miranda asked to talk to him privately. "Eli what the hell is wrong with you?!?!" 

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you Miranda?"  He angrily whispered into her ear.

"I don't like pda in the hospital but you thought it was okay to just say whose name I moan in the comfort of my home?" she whispered in the same tone.

"I was just marking my territory." he chuckled trying to wrap his hands around her waist  before she stepped back.

"you're saying my territory like I'm a damn fire hydrant that you pissed on?" 

"I didn't piss on you but I did-" Eli tried to joke before Miranda cut him off.

"Eli you know what leave me alone. give me my damn key and go mark some nurse." she snapped holding her hand out waiting for the key. Once he gave her the key he turned it over and kissed it.

"See you around Dr. bailey." he said walking off putting his head down.

As Miranda was walking out the Hospital she saw ben.

"Hey!- um wait up!" she yelled running after him.

"huh oh hey Miranda." 

"so how have you been?" she continued

"have I ever told you I don't care too much for small talk? If you have something to say. spit. it. out."

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you I was wrong and I need you Benjamin."

He hadn't heard her say those words in so long. It made his heart beat a different song. a love song. 

"I've missed you too, but you were being held together with what was it? oh that's right tape and glue but now I see you're being held together by a male nurse so..."

Miranda's eyes were wide and her mouth was about on the ground.

"goodnight Dr.bailey." he threw up the peace sign got in his car and drove away.

When Ben got home all he could think about was Miranda and how she made him feel so he texted her

206-900-4567: Hey Miranda 

Mandy: who is this?

206-900-4567: a bill collector now pay up! It's Ben who else do you think
was texting you this late?

Mandy: oh I must've unsaved your number sorry....

Mandy: anyway what do you need you pretty much made it clear you didn't want to talk.

206-900-4567: It's not that I just don't like feeling like a backup plan...

Mandy: don't you get it  he was the backup plan.. I didn't see a future with him, whenever  I looked to my future I saw you and tuck me being pregnant I saw us.

206-900-4567: pregnant huh? 

Mandy: yes with one child preferably a girl but I'll take a healthy baby either way!

Mandy: so does this mean I'm back in your good graces?

Benjamin: getting warmer. but what about this little girl?

Mandy: I've always loved the name Zoe it means life in Greek and I think It's beautiful. I think she would have my eyes and your face.

Benjamin: so just Zoe warren? no middle name?

Mandy: Zoe Elena Bailey-warren?

Benjamin: I like the sound of that. I'm sorry to cut this very beautiful talk short but I  am exhausted. Can we continue over lunch at work?

Mandy: I  would love to. goodnight!

Benjamin: Love you beautiful. goodnight.

Mandy: love you too.


( This chapter was.. fast? anyway I love it and I hope you do too!)

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