
"Is he in this room?!" Y/N demanded as he shook Moody who glanced over to a chest in the corner. "Harry, get away from there!"

Snape cast a spell on the chest, opening it, and the multiple other chests that rose from inside.

"What's that, a Russian doll?" Y/N remarked as Harry was still wrapping his head around all of this. Y/N approached the chest and looked inside. "You alright in there Alastor?"

"Y/N? Crikey, I'll never hear the end of this." Alastor remarked as Y/N turned to them.

"He's fine." Y/N said.

"That's Moody. But then who's--?" Harry pondered as Snape sniffed Moody's flask.

"Polyjuice potion."

"At least now you know who's been stealing your supplies for Polyjuice, for now, Wednesday, Harry, help me with Alastor" Y/N asked as McGonagall handed hers to him. "Alastor, try and keep still."

Y/N began using wingardium leviosa to lift the Real Moody out of the chest, eventually setting him down on a chair. They heard the fake Moody begin grunting in pain as they turned.

"Barty Crouch Jr." Y/N said as Fake Moody transformed into the man he deduced him to be. Junior went to attack Harry but Y/N grabbed him in a headlock before throwing him back onto the chair. Junior looked at Y/N with a smirk. 


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"Hello...Y/N, how's your mother doing?"

"She's in Azkaban last I heard."

"Like Father like son, I see." Crouch said as Y/N looked at him. Crouch licked his lips and turned his attention to Harry. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

With that, Crouch lifted his left sleeve up to reveal the dark mark. Y/N turned to look at the wound on Harry's arm and then his own.

"You know what this means don't you all? He's back. Lord Voldemort has returned." Barty said smugly as Y/N smiled gently, given the situation, it was unnerving.

"Well, don't you worry, when I'm finished with you, I'll make sure to roll out a wonderful welcome home party for him." Y/N said as he grabbed Barty by the scruff of the neck and dragged him over to the chest where the real Moody was kept. "You'd best hope he can intercept post, for your sake."

Y/N dropped Barty feet first into the box and used Arresto Momento to save him from the fall, the sign shield broke and Barty looked up as Y/N smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you're marked with a first class stamp." Y/N remarked as he closed the chest over.

"How did you know it was him? For how long?"

"Since Barty Crouch Sr was killed." Y/N said as Everyone looked at him in shock. "I needed to catch him in the act. So I had to let his plans play out until they provided me with an opportunity."

"But...how did you know? You've been working on the assassination plot all year-" Dumbledore began.

Y/N interrupted and explained his deductions.

"Yes, while also working on this conundrum. You see, Crouch Jr blew his cover when he killed his father, that was the one fatal mistake he made. Had he used other means to kill him like a knife, or a gun or any other lethal means, he would have succeeded tonight, but he made the mistake of using the killing curse. From there he was doomed, he wouldn't risk going back to his lord empty handed by killing his father if his cover would be blown, so he was disguised as someone who people might be willing to overlook when it came to use of the killing curse. That someone being none other than Professor Alastor 'Mad-eye' Moody, an auror with a reputation for sometimes doing whatever it takes to get the job done, with eccentric methods in the field, so it would come as no surprise that if one was to use priori incantatum  on his wand, they would find the killing curse, especially when he used it earlier in the year on a spider in a class room. They were then confirmed when we looked at the pensieve of Igor revealing Crouch Junior's true nature, Moody referred to my mother as Bellatrix Holmes, while in lesson, he oddly referred to my mother by the name she's known by on wanted posters, Bellatrix Lestrange. He gave me all the clues, I had to wait for the time to strike at him however, if I struck too early, then an innocent person dear to me would have been caught in the crossfire. Now, they're safe."

Sherlock was smirking proudly as Wednesday looked at him, surprised at everything. Harry was astonished as were the teachers.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and start packing my belongings, and I'll have a lot of questions directed at me. Good night everyone, Wednesday, if you need me, I'm in our room." Y/N said as he leaned in and gave Wednesday a kiss on the cheek, leaving to go and begin packing his belongings up...

Who Fell First? (Year 4) [Wednesday Addams x Male Reader]Where stories live. Discover now